Weird Photo of Golden Ray on it's side

Strange picture. To me it looks like the ramp got loose and twisted/folded 270° ending up at the stern’s bottom, hiding the propellors from view.

Coast Guard Shifts Focus to Salvage of Capsized Golden Ray in Georgia

Don’'t have much to say at this point but I am having a duck/rabbit thing going on with this picture.


The photo is at an angle more stern on but it looks like it’s not.



Because of the quarter ramp angle?

Yes, it seems like I’m seeing too much area of blue compared to the area I see of the bottom. The photo is taken more from the stern then is apparent from looking at the bottom.

Why, do you see a rabbit?

Had to force myself to see the rabbit. Now that everyone is safe could get half the UWILD done no?


A little more then half, but have to wait for low tide.

WIth regards ot the salvage, the cargo didn’t shift in the Cougar Ace. In this case either the cargo shifted or something might have been left open.

If it’s just water they could seal it up and pump it out. If the cargo shifted that would make the salvage more difficult I think.

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Speaking of salvage. Ever get a gander at this one…

Looking at that Pic, looks easier than Costa Condordia. Maybe only 25% filled with water. Maybe after this one there will be some NTSB advice on ballast, BWT and slack tanks to incorporate in the design and operation of these floating boxes.

Wheres is Anders Bjorkmann when you need him?

Rudder and prop are just ahead of the tug’s bow.

What-a-mistakuh-I-makuh. Yes, you are right I can see it now!

There are a lot of upright photos taken from the same angle that look ok. It might be the colors that confuses the eye. The contrast between the bottom color and the stern.


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The Ramp is set at a 30 or 60 Degree angle and is fixed.

The book can be found as a pdf.


Perhaps also the severe flattening effect from using an extreme telephoto lens – look at the hull form.

Yes, that seems part of it. Here is another photo, also from the USCG, about the same angle but before it rolled over further. Is it the color of upper hull that visually breaks it up?


It’s seeing the stern in relation to the part of the hull painted white? It’s seen as a right angle.


In the “strange” image you’ve lost an extremely powerful indicator of geometry – the side of the hull. That’s a big hit to the visual processing system.

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It’s the Coast Guard’s Cubist Period.


Notice how by chance the vertical line of the transom simply extends the upper profile with no angle break. That has to be a factor as well.

Yes, that one corner, it looks wrong on both photos. The blue should curve and all three colors, the red, blue and white should all meet at one point.