Should the Captain of the Port impose restrictions?

Should the Captain of the Port of Fourchon impose specific guidelines on the number of vessels to be allowed to moor in each area and how it should be arranged in regards to vessels beam and length? Without bringing in a VTS. Just guidelines. With the soon to be opening of another Seaport in slip B and who knows with Slip C shouldn’t procedures be implemented with some foresight. I know you can handle your boat but can your mate or the other guy? Just sayin…

maybe like many ports in the world you need an endorsement to drive in without a pilot/VTS?

I’ve had plenty of pilots onboard that I wouldn’t trust with my skiff. That’s not a good solution either.

Simple answer; no.

Maybe you can put a little more substance behind your big fat NO…solutions please.

There has been a trend of boats going two wide on the turn in Halliburton by stone. That makes things pretty difficult on the big boats meeting there. I wish someone would stop that otherwise I don’t see too many issues maneuvering around Fourchon.

Haha they don’t even press 2692s, you think they’re going to do anything about traffic?

I guess the question should be is " what should be the minimum distance a vessel should be off another when meeting underway in a narrow waterway like in Flotation Canal or Halliburton slip? Will wind and other weather phenomenon affect the safe passage of your vessel through congested slips? Can you transition without a bow or stern thruster in these tight conditions at 3 knots?

Fourchon didn’t just become crowded yesterday. The Fourchon Shuffle has been a way of life for quite a few years now without any major incidents and surprisingly few fender benders. Why mess with it? If you are not capable of piloting your vessel in a crowd then turn over the helm to someone who is, but don’t go asking for unwarranted regulations just because you can’t handle the pucker factor.

This isn’t anything new, I know that. It just seems with all this safety boloney they preach, officers should be permitted to apply these hard earned principals to this port also. The commissioners should have a little more thought into the whole port planning issue. I’m not questioning the boats handling characteristics, I could teach my thirteen year old to drive a boat with bow thrusters and stern thrusters but where common sense prevails is when is too much finally gonna become apparent. I’m not going anywhere and have no plans on whopping another boat on my watch, but it’s inevitable boats will have collisions and allusions when in close proximity to one another.

If your using your thrusters at 3 kts your doing it wrong.

In regards to supply vessels over 180 feet when turning into slips and driving into highly congested areas at slow speeds thrusters are often needed because of the traffic. If you haven’t seen this then your not handling a large vessel or are not seeing a busy day in good ole Pt. Fourchon. You know exactly what I’m talking about, I’m not evaluating each others boat handling skills or lack of. I’m saying that operating at that high level of tempo doesn’t need to be the standard.

Why have all thrusters on line if you don’t plan to use them. I use all the power that the good lord saw fit to give me.

Because at 3 knots forward speed they don’t do shit.

Oh your not on a good handling boat my friend. This vessel I’m currently getting the pleasure to handle (on an hourly basis it seems at times ) will respond to bow and stern thrusters at speeds up to four knots. But I pride myself on not using thrusters to operate this prestigious vessel until needed. But that’s just not always possible around this joint.

I get that at speed they are not as effective but it seems to many people around here think using the thrusters makes them less than a good boat handler.

Running to the thruster solution versus thinking the problem through effectively makes for bad boat handling. Thrusters are there to be used but an operator needs to know the fundamentals. Thrusters are for advanced boat handling. I believe the new crop are learning boat handling backwards. Chouest tried this in Mayport, Moran in Norfolk. They found it was easier to put fresh people with no boat handling skills at all on these new boats then to put seasoned boatmen on those boats. When those sailors attempted to rotate out of those positions quite a few had difficulties because the fundamentals of boat handiling we’re never taught.

[QUOTE=beekerbetter;143379]Why have all thrusters on line if you don’t plan to use them. I use all the power that the good lord saw fit to give me.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. If you have a twin screw boat are you going to handle it just like a single screw? For example dock just the same but use the second screw just to correct errors? Of course not. You’re going to use both engines and get the job done.

Using available tools to get the job done quicker, safer and more effectively is a no-brainer.

[QUOTE=OBXmariner;143156]Should the Captain of the Port of Fourchon impose specific guidelines [/QUOTE]

CAPTAIN OF THE PORT IN FOURCHON? This is the COTP for Port Flushoon…

The USCG was told by the Bayoo Mafia a long time ago that Fooshon their turf and the our boys in blue to stay the FUCK out! Our great coastal guardians gladly obliged

I believe that each individual boat handler should use the equipment (thrusters or assist tugs) needed to perform a maneuver safely within their own limitations. I started on Tug and Barges in NY harbor and I consider myself a proficient boat handler. I will be the first to admit that I used assist tugs in some docks that other guys did not. I also waited for slack water in some docks that other guys went in on a slight flood/ebb. I think that you should have the pride to learn it the “old way” but should also be humble enough to understand your own limitations!!