Coast Guard Shifts Focus to Salvage of Capsized Golden Ray in Georgia
Don’'t have much to say at this point but I am having a duck/rabbit thing going on with this picture.
The photo is at an angle more stern on but it looks like it’s not.
Coast Guard Shifts Focus to Salvage of Capsized Golden Ray in Georgia
Don’'t have much to say at this point but I am having a duck/rabbit thing going on with this picture.
The photo is at an angle more stern on but it looks like it’s not.
7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Weird Photo of Golden Ray on it’s side
Golden Ray Salvaged Temporarily Suspend in Georgia Due to Heavy Weather
Salvage operations on the capsized Golden Ray car carrier have been temporarily suspended due to the onset of heavy weather from Hurricane Humberto off the southeastern United States.
“Out of concern for the safety for our response crews we have made the decision to temporarily halt operations involving the Golden Ray and plan to resume as soon as it’s safe to,” said Commander Norm Witt, the Federal On Scene Coordinator.
The massive salvaging operation is being headed by Donjon Marine Co. Inc., a company headquartered in Hillside, N.J., that specializes in solving complex and large-scale maritime calamities such as the one now foundering in local waters
Go get ‘em boyz.
I remember her, sitting high and dry on the beach at low tide.
Updates from the ICS.
I remember as a kid touching the hull on the beach. I know my dad has the photos of us next to her as little kids
I was living in Stoneham and went down to see her a day or two after the grounding.
I also went to see the tugboat that sank in the Canal a bit earlier. I was probably in Cambridge then. I’d been through the Canal several times before then (first time in '69) but I think that was the first time I’d set foot on Cape Cod.
Oil spill has been detected during the salvage operation of Golden Ray:
Removal of Fuel and other contaminants are underway:
I can’t help but wonder what the ultimate salvage plan will be.
Me too! Salvagewise you are better off with a sunken ship like the car carrier Tricolor which was sawed in seven pieces.
The Golden Ray to be dismantled in place:
Could the wreck be rightened and salvaged given the the possibilities to call in foreign salvors with the rigth knowledge, experience and equipment to do the job?
Unlike the Höegh Osaka and a couple other incidents this ship rolled all the way to 90 degrees. I suspect the reason is that a large percentage of the cargo has shifted. I’d guess that if most or all of the cargo was still lashed the ship would be righted rather than broke up.
Why do you assume the only issue with righting this vessel is “the right knowledge” and that that is only available from a “foreign salvor”?
If you have details of the economic or technical or environmental factors on this job please share them.
This would seem to be very much a time, place, circumstance dependent decision which the owners, their insurers, and the incident command, salvage contractor all would have more knowledge of then a bunch of people yakking on the internet and comparing them to previous jobs from the good ole days.
I raised a question not making an opinion. Salvage companies like Smit Salvage, Resolve and Mammoet have experience from worldwide operations and similar salvage, as well as wreck removal by cutting in place.
They also have access to real large capacity floating cranes and other equipment that may not be available in the US.
My question was really in refr. to the resistance to allow foreign contractors and floating equipment into US waters, even if the Insurers requested it and it would be to everybody’s advantage to get the job done quickly, cheaply and safely.
Well here again what evidence is there of this “resistance”? They hired a US based company perhaps the one listed in their response plan. I am just speculating but I would not be surprised if US based companies have pooled resources before with each other or companies based outside the US. By subcontracting or via formal or informal consortium type agreements.
Just saying it may be too early to develop a conspiracy theory or a US-regulatory-issue-standing-in-the-way-of-doing-what’s-best thing.
It may simply be the cost of mobilizing or equipment availability or time to complete the job for such an operation exceeds the ports patience for having their port unobstructed and fully operational again.
Wish there was better technical reporting being done on this story.