New Rule On Inappropriate Threads

Done it 3 times in my career but not for reasons you stated above. Either way, great way to keep them on their toes and informed of reality.

Honestly the cussing doesnā€™t bother me. I do take great offense from the threads that even begin with a title that objectifies women as I am a woman. I know this is a male dominated field but there are women who work in this field as well. They donā€™t tolerate racism and objectification of women should be equally unacceptable. And the ones that are going to jump down my throat and get defensive are going to be the ones most guilty of it. Itā€™s downright disrespectful and if thatā€™s how you feel you should keep that to yourself. Using your line of work or all men are like this is a lame excuse for your disrespectful posts/threads.

[QUOTE=coco;113938]Honestly the cussing doesnā€™t bother me. I do take great offense from the threads that even begin with a title that objectifies women as I am a woman. I know this is a male dominated field but there are women who work in this field as well. They donā€™t tolerate racism and objectification of women should be equally unacceptable. And the ones that are going to jump down my throat and get defensive are going to be the ones most guilty of it. Itā€™s downright disrespectful and if thatā€™s how you feel you should keep that to yourself. Using your line of work or all men are like this is a lame excuse for your disrespectful posts/threads.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=coco;113938]Honestly the cussing doesnā€™t bother me. I do take great offense from the threads that even begin with a title that objectifies women as I am a woman. I know this is a male dominated field but there are women who work in this field as well. They donā€™t tolerate racism and objectification of women should be equally unacceptable. And the ones that are going to jump down my throat and get defensive are going to be the ones most guilty of it. Itā€™s downright disrespectful and if thatā€™s how you feel you should keep that to yourself. Using your line of work or all men are like this is a lame excuse for your disrespectful posts/threads.[/QUOTE]

As far as posing provocative photos of women, on the one hand for many men itā€™s hard to see what the objection could be and it is easy to just dismiss complaints. On the hand whatā€™s the point? People who are on-line have a computer and an internet connection, presumably should be able to find more then enough photos elsewhere of whatever they want to look at for what ever reason.

The other issue is that posting these pictures can be seen as a tool to categorize women mariners not as mariners but as objects of sexual desire only. I think this is similar to attempts to pigeon-hole me as a ignorant hawepiper when I was competing for upper-level deep-sea jobs. This threaten my career and livelihood so I pushed back.

Likely in this case when people get push-back they will claim innocent fun or that they are victims of the PC police but itā€™s not their paycheck or their dignity that is threatened.

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[QUOTE=Kennebec Captain;114106]

Likely in this case when people get push-back they will claim innocent fun or that they are victims of the PC police but itā€™s not their paycheck or their dignity that is threatened.[/QUOTE]

I agree, and the same goes for the needless and inappropriate gay slurs that occasionally pop up on here.

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[QUOTE=Kennebec Captain;114106]Likely in this case when people get push-back they will claim innocent fun or that they are victims of the PC police but itā€™s not their paycheck or their dignity that is threatened.[/QUOTE]

Holy CHRIST! At this rate of prohibiting all forms of the free speech of mariners this will become the most emmeffing, goddamned boring excuse for a forum even to infest the internet! If the day comes when the bashing of anything is not permitted here then you might as well fold up this tent and go home. Seamen have forever cussed and bitched about anything and everything and always willā€¦it is our very nature to do so and I for one, am not about to just quit (like I even could if I wanted to?)

My hero*

*yeah, I know the guy isnā€™t a mariner but he certainly has the mouth of one!

Agreed. This is getting out of hand and will rapidly destroy what this forum means to 98% of us. Just like in the rest if society, 2% of the populations widdle feelins canā€™t handle those ā€œoffensiveā€ words and thoughts so the vast majority of us get screwed so they feel like they have accomplished something. I guess we need to get them a participation trophy for screwing this up for us too!

[QUOTE=captaint76;114129]Agreed. This is getting out of hand and will rapidly destroy what this forum means to 98% of us. Just like in the rest if society, 2% of the populations widdle feelins canā€™t handle those ā€œoffensiveā€ words and thoughts so the vast majority of us get screwed so they feel like they have accomplished something. I guess we need to get them a participation trophy for screwing this up for us too![/QUOTE]

And yet the person I find most effective and helpful and informative here, Mr. Cavo, never seems to need to use ā€œoffensive words and thoughtsā€ to help others and get his point across.

The first amendment only applies to government action towards its citizens, and on top of that, the rights of each individual only extend until they interfere with anotherā€™s. Regardless, this is a privately run forum, the owners/moderators can do what they want, just like a restaurant can boot you for being rowdy. There are limits of course regarding what private organizations can do, mostly based on judicial precedence (ie racial segregation), but this is far far far from one of those exceptions.

You know what the whole thing sounds like to me? Grade school! Some people on here didnā€™t like what they heard so they went crying to tell their daddy/mommy (John and/or Mikey.) I really hate that those guys were so bothered with the babyfied BS that they felt they had to do this. We are grown ass adults here! If you canā€™t handle that fact maybe you should start your own forum for the tender hearted mariner. Like with other forms of sensorship, all this is going to do is weaken what was an awesomely perfect mariner forum. Same thing is happening to our country due to everybody getting offended by every little thing anyone else does. It is changing from The United States of America to The Offended States of America. One blatant form of this is how God is being removed by everything in our lives even though the vast majority of people in the country are Christian and had no problem allowing others to practice their own beliefs. Just my rant for today. I find it truly sad for this forum as I do the rest for our country.

Thank you, thank you and thank you againā€¦


What the man said!


[QUOTE=captaint76;114138]You know what the whole thing sounds like to me? Grade school! Some people on here didnā€™t like what they heard so they went crying to tell their daddy/mommy (John and/or Mikey.).[/QUOTE]

I believe the post which prompted this thread was a reference to oral sex. Itā€™s not a question of people being offended so much as appropriateness. The sentence would have been perfectly acceptable in a pornographic story but not so much where it appeared, in a discussion about what obligations are owed to people who have trained you vs jumping for higher pay.

Iā€™ve spent my entire career around mariners and am not easily offended but it is annoying to see an interesting thread go off the rails because the participants can not remain professional.

What my have happened is that the companies that pay to advertise here complained about some of the language and content of some posts. I was an Administrator on a Biker Forum that had this happen. After having complaints they put a sensor in place to block out any of the offending words. This all but killed that forum, as like us sailors bikers can be a little colorful with their use of words.

I stand firmly by my statements.

[QUOTE=captaint76;114138] Like with other forms of sensorship, ā€¦[/QUOTE]

Itā€™s not censorship. Same as a letter to the newspaper. You can write a letter to the editor of your home town newspaper but the paper is under no obligation to meet the expenses required, the paper, ink, labor, delivery cost etc, to publish your views.

[QUOTE=captaint76;114151]I stand firmly by my statements.[/QUOTE]

Hear, Hear! Good on ya mayte!

[QUOTE=Robert;114130]And yet the person I find most effective and helpful and informative here, Mr. Cavo, never seems to need to use ā€œoffensive words and thoughtsā€ to help others and get his point across.[/QUOTE]

Using my name and often identifying my employer is partly responsibleā€¦ but mostly I fear the stainless steel hanky of politenessman.

[QUOTE=jdcavo;114303]ā€¦ but mostly I fear the stainless steel hanky of politenessman.[/QUOTE]

Iā€™ll second that.

I frequent a couple of sites where, unfortunately for the membership, there are a few very thin skinned moderators who effectively silence any comment that might be construed as coming to close to calling an idiot an idiot by pointing out some act of idiocy. They much prefer ā€œbeing niceā€ to looking at another point of view. If they ever came here they would simply faint away and probably be bedridden with the vapors for a prolonged period.

The language here gets a bit salty from time to time but itā€™s generally in context so isnā€™t too offensive ā€¦ never been on ship where it isnā€™t as common as rust. You arenā€™t going to get rid of homophobia by prohibiting bad jokes or crude comments, you arenā€™t going to change a moron into a Pulitzer prize winner by changing his vocabulary.

You arenā€™t going to change a moron into a Pulitzer prize winner by changing his vocabulary.[/QUOTE]

You canā€™t make a game fish out of a bottom feeder.

[QUOTE=Steamer;114309]ā€¦The language here gets a bit salty from time to time but itā€™s generally in context so isnā€™t too offensive ā€¦ never been on ship where it isnā€™t as common as rustā€¦[/QUOTE]

Context is the key. I would say if itā€™s OK on the ship itā€™s OK here. You hear profanity on the ship but within limits. For example you rarely hear someone say piece of equipment is not functioning properly but Iā€™ve only heard racist remarks a couple times in the last 10 years or so.

I would also say if it is not ok on a ship itā€™s no ok here. If a crew member steps outside the boundaries they are corrected.