New Rule On Inappropriate Threads

I’m making a new rule on threads/posts that get out of hand…

We get some, not lots considering, but some reports of threads turning sour due to language, attacks, poor humor, belittling, and just general inappropriateness. Starting now when these threads (more likely a few individual posts) get reported, I’m just going to delete the thread altogether. I don’t care how good the thread is. We don’t have time to read through two pages of back and forth trying to figure out who is less wrong. We are just going to delete the thread.

So it’s on you guys now. With great power comes great responsibility.

language? please don’t tell me I can’t swear anymore!

I think I might pout right now

[QUOTE=c.captain;113028]language? please don’t tell me I can’t swear anymore!

I think I might pout right now[/QUOTE]

Well it would be hypocritical of me considering I curse like a sailor myself. But there is difference between appropriate cursing and inappropriate cursing. The difference is typically pretty obvious.

Damnit, my ‘newb search test’ was deleted. Oh well. Maybe I’ll repost it without the humor.

Deleting thread’s is easy but I prefer disemvoweling as the moderator’s “nuclear option”. There is a vBulletin plugin you can install that should make it easy.

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Eagerly awaiting C.captains first deletion…just get it over and let er rip cap!!! :slight_smile:

Well shit! Now what is there to talk about?

the hell you say??

I like your style dude, but do you have to cuss so much? “The Dude” what the fuck are you talking about? Fine have it your way. The big Lebowski .

[QUOTE=Signal Red;113099]I like your style dude, but do you have to cuss so much? “The Dude” what the fuck are you talking about? Fine have it your way. The big Lebowski .[/QUOTE]

I’m taking the liberty to post the full clip for the edification of the unwashed masses here


remember…the Dude* abides (sometimes)…

*how can you not love the guy but in all honesty, I’ll take Sam Elliot’s stache in a Sunday minute!

[QUOTE=renoun;113045]Deleting thread’s is easy but I prefer disemvoweling as the moderator’s “nuclear option”. [/QUOTE]

I prefer “disemboweling” myself…learned that art from my good friend Vlad the Impaler!

[QUOTE=rigdvr;113074]Eagerly awaiting C.captains first deletion…just get it over and let er rip cap!!! :-)[/QUOTE]

Fuck, already happened!..Mike “disemboweled” that thread from Tenner Cenac offering that sweet 21/7 schedule for his captains. Just ripped the guts out of it and left it an ugly hollow shell of it’s former self! The c.captain does not abide but acquiesces all the same…(like I’ze gots a cherce in da matter?)


I own a Biker Forum and know first hand what a pain in the ass it is to have to go through each new post to make sure that our rules are followed and we have very few rules.

The main problem I see with what Mikey is planning on (and this is their forum so their rules) is that some information is going to be lost because of the actions of others. Doing this is definitely the quickest way to deal with a problem before it blows out of proportion but I hope that someone keeps track of the members that do the most derailing and steps are taken.

If every thread that goes off track and some (or a lot) inappropriate language is used to bash another member, there will be a lot less threads to read and that might lead to a lot less traffic to the site.

Hopefully, this warning will be taken to heart and there will not be any need for threads to be deleted.

Just gotta love censorship. Those who are so easily offended have no place in this industry or country. Just sayin!

I don’t consider it censorship as much as relieving the rest of us from having to wade through a minority of posters desperate cries for attention

[QUOTE=skycowboy;113115]I don’t consider it censorship as much as relieving the rest of us from having to wade through a minority of posters desperate cries for attention[/QUOTE]

Amen to that!

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I wonder if we can make Mikey delete this thread…

[QUOTE=Capt. Phoenix;113208]I wonder if we can make Mikey delete this thread…[/QUOTE]

Oh, I am sure we have the ability. . . .

[QUOTE=skycowboy;113115]I don’t consider it censorship as much as relieving the rest of us from having to wade through a minority of posters desperate cries for attention[/QUOTE]

Well said!!!

As long as us ex MSC folks can beat up on them as they need beating up on. Everybody should send MSC applications with no intention of ever working for them so at least the office pukes will have to do some work sorting through them. I did and got a call and told them I got a real job now