Name that dude!
This belongs in Scuttlebut.
that’s pretty funny
ccaptain carpetbagger must be in hiding again!
[QUOTE=knothead;175159]ccaptain carpetbagger must be in hiding again![/QUOTE]
I don’t waste my time on little PISSANTS like you and besides whatever pic you posted deriding me I can’t see anyway so have fun with your little peepee mentality
Click on “scuttlebutt”, then when on that page click on the little paperclip icon next to the thread.
I know you old timers tend to have a harder time with technology, and sometimes need some guidance from us young punk millennials.
how was your drinkey session last night?
I don’t think I will be drinking that root beer stuff anymore. It is in fact too sweet and I have had quite a headache all day.
[QUOTE=cajaya;175161]Click on “scuttlebutt”, then when on that page click on the little paperclip symbol next to the thread.[/QUOTE]
and why do I want to do that?
you should also know that I had that “feminist engineers” thread closed when other members were starting to suggest certain acts be “done” to you to curb your obvious frustrations with men. Even I know when comments go too far here and that thread needed to be ended for your sake even though I don’t like you. A thanks would be nice even from a PSYCHOBITCH like yourself.
I was pretty pissed when they closed it because I was just going to start talking about how that can be arranged and that I will certainly be sure to keep my list of wives and girlfriends names updated and handy for just the occasion, and for the next time someone thinks they can interfere with something I’ve got going on shoreside.
I also had a very good comment for josh.reid regarding his obvious affinity for much older women, and a proposal that he change his user name to “grandma’s little fuckboy”.
You actually RUINED my day.
[QUOTE=c.captain;175164]and why do I want to do that?
you should also know that I had that “feminist engineers” thread closed when other members were starting to suggest certain acts be “done” to you to curb your obvious frustrations with men. Even I know when comments go too far here and that thread needed to be ended for your sake even though I don’t like you. A thanks would be nice even from a PSYCHOBITCH like yourself.[/QUOTE]
If all it took was to mention a menage a trois to lock a thread someone should have done it a long time ago.
- Updated - - -
[QUOTE=cajaya;175166]I was pretty pissed when they closed it because I was just going to start talking about how that can be arranged and that I will certainly be sure to keep my list of wives and girlfriends names updated and handy for just the occassion[/QUOTE]
My wife gave me a pass…I was going to save it for Lady Gaga but figured no sense in hoping.
As far as ruining your day, then it was worth it =)
[QUOTE=cajaya;175166]You actually RUINED my day.[/QUOTE]
you’re most WELCOME…
That would be a carpetbagging bitch named ccaptain!
[QUOTE=knothead;175173]That would be a carpetbagging bitch named ccaptain![/QUOTE]
what is it like going through life as such a microscopically tiny bug?
and trust me how glad you should be that I am choosing to NOT post the photos!
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son!
[QUOTE=knothead;175176]Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son![/QUOTE]
still better than being a miserable worthless bloodsucking tick…
and trust me how glad you should be that I am choosing to NOT post the photos![/QUOTE]
All you do is post the same photos over and over again. You could at least put a little bit more effort into being more creative…
[QUOTE=cajaya;175185]All you do is post the same photos over and over again. You could at least put a little bit more effort into being more creative…[/QUOTE]
why are you so PHUCKING STOOPID to offer me such a challenge?
but you did so I’ve delved deep into my black satin bag to find you my latest…
tell us which one are you in this photo?
you know it should be a criminal offense to make bikinis in such sizes!
It may be the booze talking but I wouldn’t mind the first and third one to make a ctony sandwich.
[QUOTE=Ctony;175188]It may be the booze talking but I wouldn’t mind the first and third one to make a ctony sandwich.[/QUOTE]
I know how hard it must be for you being such a rube but try to have at least a little class here…huh?