Near Coastal to Oceans

Other then taking celestial what else do I need to take?

Just have “Oceans” instead of near coastal applied for on your application. Either the course or CG exam is all you need.

[QUOTE=Tugted;78787]Other then taking celestial what else do I need to take?[/QUOTE]

Deck general. There’s stuff required for oceans that wasn’t on the near coastal test. If you want to do the same for STCW, there are assessments you need to do.

I forgot about the deck general part. I stand corrected. Thanks.

Assessments? Such as? Where do I get the sheet??

[QUOTE=Tugted;78891]Assessments? Such as? Where do I get the sheet??[/QUOTE]

Policy Letter 11-07, section 3.e.1. (page 5):

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