USCG Celestial test and practical assessment questions

I have a couple of questions regarding the USCG celestial test and practical assessments.

First off…I am working my way through the CG exams for my 1600T upgrade. I have Module 206 Nav Problems Celestial as one of my exams. Although I bombed it in round one, I am confident that I can get up to speed and get past it in round 2. With that being said, it has come to my attention that you need the practical assessment, that you would get if you took a celestial class (which is supposed to be pretty easy considering) for STCW purposes, and to make the endorsement mean anything. How do you go about adding on just the assessment after you pass (wishful thinking…haha) module 206? None of the schools seem to have an answer. Can any 1600T Oceans captain (or greater) evaluate you for this assessment? Thanks in advance for any help regarding this!

Deuce,The assessments are not presently required for the 16ooT Master.Passing the exam is all that is required.

Not all celestial courses are USCG approved to do the assessments anyway.

If you completed a Celestial course approved for 1600 master you could hand in the course completion certificate within one year of completion and by-pass the Celestial exam altogether.
Hope this helps…Leigh

Thanks a lot for the response Leigh. What you are saying is a little different then most of what I have heard but I pray to every higher power out there (including the CG…haha) that you are correct.

I have been told that if you get your license with a N/C on it, then you take the celestial class (approved school), that you still have to take a CG test (I think deck general and safety??). So basically if you take celestial, then upgrade, you can turn in your certificate and not have to test BUT if you upgrade, or have an existing 1600t that you have to take 1 or 2 modules even if you take the class and get the cert.

As far as my situation, I have the test on my approval letter so I need to either pass it in round 2, or take the course and get the cert before round 3/and my 90 days are up.

AND…As far as the assessment, do you actually know what that is for? Do you know for a fact that not having it in no way affects your license?



Not knowing where you are located, this came to mind…Read the opening statement from this school…It say the class is in lieu of testing at the CG…The price is pretty reasonable as well, no?

click the celestial navigation button…

Deuce,The assessments are required for the 3rd or 2nd mate level,but are currently not required for a 1600 Master under current rules.

Since your approval letter lists the exam for Celestial,you should check with the evaluator before taking the Celestial course to make sure that that is acceptable to NMC.If you are comfortable that you can pass the exam,then save the money by all means.

I would certainly advise you to complete the testing as soon as possible,just in case the new rules that are in the works are adopted very quickly :eek:

Feel free to IM me if you would like to discuss it further…Leigh

Leigh…Thanks again for the information.
I have already had my plan approved by my evaluator. If I miss it again, I will just have to take the class in lieu of taking it for a 3rd time. I am going to try to get past it though and save some $$! :slight_smile: I will start round 2 in 2 weeks.

Shellback…If you were next to me, and not a guy, and not an ugly mariner (haha!) I think I would kiss you! Your suggestion gives me a perfect plan b option, as they are VERY cheap, and their dates are wide open. Basically they have a bunch of people studying different things, all in the same room, and an instructor there to help you. As soon as you complete 30 classroom hours, and can pass the test, you are good to go! I would have to fly there, from Florida, but the price and schedule makes it worth it. Thanks for the suggestion!!

I think I would kiss you!

EWWWWWW!! I’m guess I am glad we play for the same team then…lol…

Yep, a plan B is just as good as long as it works…Good luck…

[QUOTE=Shellback;28827]EWWWWWW!! I’m guess I am glad we play for the same team then…lol…

Yep, a plan B is just as good as long as it works…Good luck…[/QUOTE]

^^^ Hey now…Don’t pull that reality show editing to make me look bad! haha

I actually had a plan b but just changed it as the option that you suggested would keep me well within my 90 days, and save me a lot of $$ despite having to travel across the country!

L.E> Fletcher offers the same celestial (approved) course and it is in Houma, LA. Also extremely reasonable and you wouldn’t have to travel as far. There are also several schools in Florida that offer the course but I am not as familiar with those. You can get a list of all the approved schools from the Coast Guard website.

[QUOTE=Azimuth;28838]L.E> Fletcher offers the same celestial (approved) course and it is in Houma, LA. Also extremely reasonable and you wouldn’t have to travel as far. There are also several schools in Florida that offer the course but I am not as familiar with those. You can get a list of all the approved schools from the Coast Guard website.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the information! That may end up being the best option. Whatever the case I’m happy to have options as my local school is $2000 for the course, and the dates wouldn’t be that great for me.

As I was told…
The passing certificate can be used in lieu of the exam [B]OR[/B] for STCW but not both. If you want to do the class it is OK to do it twice. Once for the licence and once for STCW, but if you do the class for STCW you should be able to ace the CG exam. And only one class to buy.

Just the way I see it.


The assessments affect the scope of your license drastically. They are necessary to meet requirements for your “OICNW” Endorsement. Without the “OICNW” Endorsement, you’re like a two-year old without a diaper…useless. However this is all solely based on the route you are applying for and the license you currently hold? I’m assuming that you are going for your “Oceans” Endorsement since the CG’s scheduled you for the Cel-Nav Exam? If that’s the case then YES you will need to complete the assessments as well. If you are going for a NC, GL, or Inland 1600GRT Master/Mate, then both the assessments and exam are waived. The good news is that many schools, even in FL hold the course frequently, but few have been approved to sign ALL assessments. Also, any Mariner with the “OICNW” and an “Oceans” Endorsement can sign off on them as well.

If you are increasing your scope from Master 500GRT, than an approved course will satisfy the exam if certificate is presented within one year of completion. Be careful when shopping around for a school. I went to a school last year after they told me that their course has been approved for all the assessments. Come to find out-they were approved for all but three! Yeah, nice surprise. Make sure you do your homework man, hope this helps, good luck.
