Celestial question

I am getting to the point in my career that I am looking into getting my oceans endorsement, Im not really looking to go anywhere right now but I am not wanting to limit myself in the future if anything may arise that I would like to do. With that being said, I have my 3rd Unlimited N/C, A/B Unlimited and a few other little things and was told that if I want my Oceans Endorsement on my Unlimited License I will have to test at CG for it.

I was thinking about taking the class somewhere but was recently told that the class doesn’t teach you everything that you will need to know for the CG test to apply it to my 3rd Mate. Is this true? Also if there is a difference in the information, I assume that passing the test at the REC would not only apply the Oceans to my Unlimited license but any “Lower level” license as well?

If it is true, what is the information that is left out and where would I learn this?

I’m basically trying to discern whether this is simply “Boat Talk” or true.

Thanks everyone.

I can’t say specifically as I’ve never attended a class or reviewed their syllabus but they should teach you everything you need for the mate exam. (Especially since that class is approved to be used in lieu of an exam on lower level licenses it should cover everything…)

Do you currently hold any lower tonnage licenses? It might be beneficial to wait until you upgrade to 2M & 1600 ton Master and take an approved class right before you apply. Submit your application for 2M Oceans and 1600 ton Oceans and submit your class certificate. You will have to go test at the rec for Oceans on your 2M and the class cert will cover Oceans on your Master 1600. (Then again, they don’t make 3M Unlimited Oceans retake the exam when they upgrade to 2M & Master 1600 but this would be the safe way while also paying the last in CG fees.)

Also, keep in mind that you will have to take another celestial exam when you upgrade to CM so if you are looking to get out of taking exams you could just wait until you do that upgrade and take it only once ever.

There are some minor differences on the celestial/oceans exams between Master 1600 and 3rd (or 2nd) Mate, but 90 percent of it is the same. If you can pass one of them, you can probably pass the other with a little extra study. The Master 1600 Oceans Has more topics than 3rd Mate Oceans. If you go to a good school, they will make sure that you are prepared for everything that is on both exams and more.

You should pre-study on your own to be somewhat familiar with the Nautical Almanac, HO 229, Bowdich Vol. II and the Starfinder. Also, you can help yourself a lot by pre-learning the basic concepts and terminology.

For a school that teaches celestial, you cannot beat Crawford in Seattle. If you call Crawford’s they can tell you what the differences are between the exams.

Also be aware that there are assessments necessary for your STCW endorsement to have Oceans on it. I believe MPT in Florida is the school that actually takes you down on the beach with sextants and does all the assessments in class.

For what it is worth, when I submitted my oceans certificate from class for my Master 1600 GRT/3000 ITC, I was also allowed to have the endorsement applied to my Master 200 GRT/500 ITC Sail Auxiliary. This is based on the fact that the Master 1600/3000 Oceans is superior to, and therefore inclusive, for the Master 200/500 Oceans endorsement. The same should likely apply in your case.

Holly Chedda walked my papers through, and she was worth it. Earlier I had been talking to a person in Capt. Lloyd’s office at the NMC, and this person told me there was no such thing as an oceans endorsement for a Master 200/500, and I really didn’t care to have to deal with such a person.

[QUOTE=water;166418]For what it is worth, when I submitted my oceans certificate from class for my Master 1600 GRT/3000 ITC, I was also allowed to have the endorsement applied to my Master 200 GRT/500 ITC Sail Auxiliary. This is based on the fact that the Master 1600/3000 Oceans is superior to, and therefore inclusive, for the Master 200/500 Oceans endorsement. The same should likely apply in your case.[/QUOTE]

But those were both Master’s licenses so one is actually a superior license. Talking the test at the REC to get Oceans on his 3rd Mate Unlimited license will most likely not cover a lower tonnage Master’s license because it is not a subordinate license to the 3M. (The OP didn’t specify what “lower level” license he is referring to, so I’m assuming he also holds a Master 1600. If it is the same capacity but lower tonnage, like a Mate 500 Aux Sail, then yes, the one test will cover both licenses.)

I tested at the REC for my Ocean mate and took a class and submitted the certificate in lieu of testing the oceans module when i upgraded to master. In my opinion the 2 week class was worth it, and covered all the topics on the test since i still had to test at the end of the class ( you don’t really get out of testing the module, you just take it at the school instead of the REC)

I went to MPT for my 1600 Master and MY 3RD Unlimited. Passed them both with flying colors. They are worth the extra money. I will say the class is intense.

Hey everyone, thanks for all of the replies! I’ve been away from Internet signal for a day or two but I’m back, you can stop worrying now lol

When I said lower level license I was talking about a 1600 master, I don’t hold it yet but I’m coming up on the time for my crossover exam. I do have a 200 master add a 1600 mate as well but when I upgrade I’m going to let them go. I can’t see the need to keep all that printed on the pages.

I think what I’ll do is like it was said, take the class just before it’s time to test and take it then.

Thanks for the help and contacts on who to get in touch with!

[QUOTE=blaineatk;166528]I don’t hold it yet but I’m coming up on the time for my crossover exam. I do have a 200 master add a 1600 mate as well but when I upgrade I’m going to let them go. I can’t see the need to keep all that printed on the pages.[/QUOTE]

Not that it matters but you won’t “let them go” the NMC just won’t put them on your license. If you renewed right now you wouldn’t have the 1600 ton Mate printed on there and once you get a 1600 ton Master they won’t put a lower tonnage license on there unless it’s for a higher route or such.

[QUOTE=Capt. Phoenix;166537]Not that it matters but you won’t “let them go” the NMC just won’t put them on your license. If you renewed right now you wouldn’t have the 1600 ton Mate printed on there and once you get a 1600 ton Master they won’t put a lower tonnage license on there unless it’s for a higher route or such.[/QUOTE]

Ah, well that’s good to know. I’m not too concerned about losing the 1600 as its an OSV only license where mine is concerned.

I didn’t take a rules of the road test when I got my mates license, so well I be required to take it when I do the 2nd mate crossover exam?

[QUOTE=blaineatk;166545]Ah, well that’s good to know. I’m not too concerned about losing the 1600 as its an OSV only license where mine is concerned.[/QUOTE]

Even if it weren’t OSV only, you have a 3rd Mate Unlimited. That is superior to, and replaces, any limited tonnage mate license of an equal or lesser route.

      • Updated - - -

[QUOTE=blaineatk;166545]I didn’t take a rules of the road test when I got my mates license, so well I be required to take it when I do the 2nd mate crossover exam?[/QUOTE]

I’m not sure, but it’s very likely that you will.

I think what I’ll do is like it was said, take the class just before it’s time to test and take it then.

Consider getting the celestial study course from hawsepipe.net before taking the celestial course. You won’t need to cram so much in a short period of time.