Foreigners is also watching US politics

But there are specific laws in each of those states setting forth the requirements for issuing driver’s licenses to illegal aliens.

However, these driver’s licenses are not Real ID Act compliant and can not be used to vote, which is the core issue here.

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Here a drivers license serves as an ID but an officer of the law can only ask to see it if you are driving a motor vehicle. The law is similar to the fourth amendment. Stopping someone in the street would cause wide spread outrage.
A voter must be on the electoral roll by law but voting is not compulsory.
We have the Westminster system in New Zealand but I had always admired the US system until the last few years when I can’t believe how much what had seems such a good system has been distorted.


You’re right it’s many more states than CA that have zero ID requirement. Those states equal roughly 40% of the population of the US. I guess that’s a “conspiracy”.

That’s not even mentioning the states that allow you to vote with non-photo ID.

Why are liberals so vehemently opposed to ID at the polls? They want to control and restrict literally every other aspect of life.


let me re-phase it, when you are in a situation where a policeman can ask for your details there is no IT related reason he shouldnt get all the details on you that the Federal gov has to prove that ID

What do you need to show to get a passport?

A birth certificate perhaps?

Not taxable as working on foreign vessel for foreign company, transit visa C1/D like aircraft crew
Thousands are like that.

I thought about it long & hard over the years & the only logical reason that I can come up with is because conservatives are for ID’s at the polls. If a moderate or conservative made a statement similar to, “Minorities are too stupid to get a picture ID & don’t have the discipline to save up $13 for the cost.” liberals would be falling over themselves to get on a soapbox to scream RACISM!!! But liberals can make similar statements about minorities & the elderly all day long as long as it concerns showing an ID to vote? I have been to a dozen countries that are considered liberal & progressive Meccas that American liberals would love us to imitate except for the part about requireing an ID to vote. I don’t get liberal resistance to voter ID’s, it has to be an emotional decision on the part of liberals IMO. It doesn’t make any sense to require an ID for every other aspect of a person’s life but not for something as important as voting. Weird.


But this IS your argument. You just think you can frame it by saying ‘I’m not making the argument but I’m gonna say it out loud while saying it’s not my argument!’

At the moment, voter ID laws to solve the not serious voter fraud issue does disenfranchise minorities disproportionately. So insisting on it without providing measures to ensure everyone gets their vote and no one is disenfranchised is disingenuous.


Man, you’re ate up with the Trump hate, aren’t you …

"The Republican party has got to get a grip on itself. Republican leaders and members of the Congress, both Senate and the House, are holding back because they’re terrified of what will happen to anyone of them if they speak out…This is not the way the country is supposed to run. And Congress is one of the institutions that should be doing something about this. We got to remember what the Constitution started with: “We the People,” not “Me the President”. Block quote from Colin Powell.

100,000 citizens are dead (in 8 weeks) and Trump is out playing golf at 1 of his heavily indebted resorts while billing the American taxpayers for all the flights, food, and rooms for his entourage.

35 states require voter ID. How do you come up with 40% of the population? How much of your 40% are registered voters?

And, it was powerabout’s comment that “since he turned up we now know how crooked the left is in trying to keep the status quo.” that I consider conspiratorial; not his easily refutable comment that “no ID is required to vote.”

Do you consider a utility bill to constitute “Voter ID”?

18 states require a photo ID, 16 more let you bring in a long list of random papers that they will consider “ID”.

Many of the states that require photo ID have loop holes to bypass the requirement such as signing an affidavit and other types of nonsense.

If you take the remaining states (which require no ID at all) which include California, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, etc those states comprise roughly 40% of the US population.

Is this hard for you?

Dude, or whatever you are, the original comment was that “no ID is required to vote”. You just proved him wrong with all your information that some form of ID is required in the majority of the states in the US.

Again, how many of your imaginary 40% are registered voters?

Do you consider a “Voters information pamphlet” to constitute ID? Because many of the states who only require “some form of identification” will accept that. Basically a random piece of mail with your name on it.

Are you aware of what a swing state is? The reality is most states have a predetermined outcome. It’s these few states that actually choose the president. Do you think they should have to prove they have the right to cast a ballot and affect the entire country.

Many swing states for the upcoming elections have very thin margins and zero requirement to show ID. Do you think democrat operatives don’t exploit this? In some states such as CA you do not have to be a registered voter or show any form of ID to cast a provisional ballot.

AZ, NC, PA, MN and NC are all swing states with very thin margins and no Voter ID or very little ID requirements. It’s not a “conspiracy” dude. Wake up.

I would suggest maybe because for so many other things its required for privileges and entitlements, but voting is a constitutional right that should not be restricted without reason.

You keep saying Zero ID requirement to vote like there’s no ID required for any part of it. To register, all of those states require ID. To vote the first time after registering or to register and vote the same day in person, they require ID. To vote thereafter, not always. And I don’t see why necessarily. If someone really wants to commit fraud by voting my vote, they’d need my name, my address or precinct, and need to assume I won’t vote. And they might get away with it at one precinct. Since there is no evidence that this happens to any extent, why impose what could tend to disenfranchise voters to prevent fraud that isn’t happening.

In general I’m not opposed to voter ID, except where it’s been shown to unnecessarily disenfranchise qualified voters. One such study found that up to 7% of qualified voters don’t have current ID that would be required for them to vote in states that require it. That is, don’t have a DL, a birth certificate, a passport, or even as simple as a DL with a current address. These simple things are in fact a barrier to qualified voters voting. So why prevent them from voting just so that we can prevent something that has been again and again shown already isn’t?

Ahh yes, liberals want to control and restrict every aspect of life. Like restricting women’s personal medical choices? Or restricting homosexuals from marrying? Or restricting someone from being fired strictly for being bisexual? Or restricting the teaching of science based subjects in schools? Or restricting US citizens from their constitutional right to vote because they don’t have the limited selection of IDs you require?

Maybe you were referring to the restriction of pollutants? Yeah that one sucks for everyone. Or restrictions on a handful of the thousands of firearms available to purchase? Or maybe the breathing restriction of that mask we’re all wearing, that certainly seems like a liberal ploy. Or maybe it’s that pesky restriction called separation of church and state, preventing the idea that it’s ok to require teaching of only one religious text in schools and excluding others? Those damn liberals…/s


I’ve made my comments as simple and straightforward as possible. You are going off on unrelated, self-defeating tangents and projecting. Are you related to Trump?

ID is whatever the law of each state says is an ID. It’s that simple. Therefore, ID is required to vote in the US states that require an ID and the original, broad brushed comment that ID is not required to vote in the US is false.

Unnecessarily disenfranchise? They can’t bring their voters’ information pamphlet to the polling place?

How is it a “barrier” to produce a birth certificate? If you don’t have one you have no business voting.

Take Georgia for example. Lets assume like thousands of people, you’re not in the military, not a Native American, not a government employee, don’t have a passport or federal ID. That means the only ID option you have is a Drivers License or state issued ID Card. Not even a birth certificate will do.

And if you don’t have a DL, if you simply never did, it was revoked for a crime, it was revoked cause you’re old, or you lost it, your house burned down…then you’re down to a state issued ID Card. And what do you need to get that? A photo ID, a birth certificate, proof of address, and proof that you previously registered to vote. What is your definition of a burden?

I actually don’t know where my birth cert is. If it was election day tomorrow I’m not sure I could produce it. Do I have no business voting? For years I lived without a lease or any bills showing my physical my address, so SOL there. As a mariner I have gov ID out the ass, but that’s not typical of most Americans. Nonetheless, being irresponsible or dumb is not reason enough to restrict people from voting in this country.


As far as I know you missed one, Massachusetts. A conservative coworker of mine from Mass was upset that his state started allowing undocumented immigrants to get driver’s licenses. He thought since I was from a red state that I would be disgusted as he was. Nope, I told him congratulations & I wish my state would do the same. I gave him the reasons why I thought it was a good idea & I’m pretty sure I changed his mind or at least opened it to the possibility that it isn’t the worst that can happen.

Here were my points:

  1. They’re going to drive anyways so might as well get $25 from them & make them prove they know the laws to drive safely.
  2. They’ll be more likely to get car insurance if they have a driver’s license & perhaps rates will stay the same or increase slower with more insured?
  3. If they know they won’t automatically go to jail for a fender bender perhaps less of them will drive off after an accident which unfortunately is quite popular amongst people without a license.
  4. Their address will be recorded in case the authorities ever have to go searching for them.
  5. Their thumb print & sometimes other finger prints will be on record.
  6. Their face & signature will be tied to their name & the foriegn ID they used to get the drivers license. Right now, it is like the wild west days with many undocumented immigrants. They can easily change their names as easily as it is to move to a new address. Having them documented with drivers licenses would prevent that.
  7. When the police pull them over for a simple traffic violation the officer will know if they have a member of the community who has been here for 20 years or not. In states were undocumented immigrants don’t have a state ID LEO’s have no clue who they pulled over & must respond accordingly which is a big waste of resources most of the time. If a state allows undocumented immigrants to get drivers licenses & a LEO pulls over one without a DL that should be a major red flag for the officer to follow. In my state LEO’s waste a lot of time with otherwise decent hardworking almost law-abiding drivers when they don’t have to?

Allowing undocumented immigrants to get driver’s licenses does more good than bad. IMO, just like with liberals who don’t want people to show an ID to vote, I think conservatives who want to keep undocumented immigrants from getting DL feel that way over emotional reasons.


I think those are valid arguments for the non-resident/undocumented DLs, especially regarding insurance. I agree with the more good than bad point.

But I don’t see why you can’t carry that more good than bad over to voter ID? ID to vote = documented barrier to some qualified persons voting. No ID to vote = hypothetical possibility for fraud which has not been shown to actually happen.

I don’t think its emotional to side with an actual issue (disenfranchisement) over siding with a non-issue (non-existent systemic fraud); its empirical.