Acting SECNAV Modly submits his resignation

Stupid is as stupid does.


Isn’t it though? Community spreading from thread to thread like a pandemic.

“All you whiners locked in your houses for three weeks listening to the ambulances go by, all you young people contemplating how you’re magically going to pay off a national debt four trillion dollars higher than it was three years ago, while paying less taxes, all you governors who weren’t prepared for the calamity POTUS45* told you would never happen, stop being so shrill!"


He often does like to mix the two up. Usually though, it’s a heavy dose of both at the same time. Alternative facts will do that to you.

The problem is, until the last couple of years “alternative facts” was a logical fallacy. Now it is just another word for a lie or fallacious reasoning. Kinda like “fake news”. Why not just say the news or a fact is a lie and then prove it ? Unless of course one cannot. If one cannot prove information false then spouting “alternative facts” and “fake news” are just terms used when one has no defense and lacks maturity.


Therein lies a big part of the answer. Facts just get in the way when one is preaching to the choir and erecting straw men willy nilly.

The other thing is what I call “diminishing outrageousness”. The way that works is, “I have $20 billion.” “No you don’t. You don’t have $20 billion.” “Well, I have $3 billion.” “Oh, OK.” It’s still a lie, but it’s easier to believe.


AKA “Normalization of Deviance”.

Previously a pathology, now Administration policy.



I wouldn’t have thought the person who just posted a Futurama cartoon saying that one of the characters has been appointed SECNAV would follow that up with a post defending an appropriate level of signal/noise ratio. Probably should have let another member of the TDS squad take up that argument.

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It’s been my observation that TDS “Trump Derangement Syndrome” is real among a certain segment of the population much as ODS was. By both it degenerates into a blanket term people use to defend their champion of the moment when they don’t care or are unable to refute with facts. Therefore those that use the terms often seem to suffer from the derangement syndrome themselves.


Also what Senator Moynihan said, "When unwritten rules are violated over and over societies have a tendency to “define deviancy down”.

This is related to the reaction that criticism is just TDS. It’s to say the Trump is not in fact violating democratic norms when clearly he is.

From Wikipedia

Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) is a term for criticism or negative reactions to United States President Donald Trump that are perceived to be irrational, and have little regard towards Trump’s actual policy positions, or actions undertaken by his administration.

The old standard was that the Secretary of the Navy would not go a board a navy ship and call the captain stupid.


No Navy is going to take a major ship out of the battle line over a projected loss of perhaps 15 crewmen. And if this Captains’ memo was transmitted via authorized channels and was ‘leaked’ to the press is is a fault of comsec, not the captain.
Evidence thus far inplicates the C.O. to charges as stated. Trump and the Sec Def should of not said anything.
In the future crews will prob be quarantined BEFORE crewing up the ship and liberty in ports of call may be a thing of the past?

Regardless of you other statements:

Let’s say there’s a fire at sea aboard a carrier in time of peace. Let’s says 15 crew members are critically injured, and are likely to die without shoreside medical care. Let’s say for whatever reason they can’t be flown off. Are you saying that the Navy would simply let them die rather than go to a nearby port and get them off?

Your last sentence said it all.

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And this:

Are not the same. The first definition (the one I use) is for those who no matter what, EVERYTHING is Trump’s fault, he can do no right, who take every single little small insignificant thing and absolutely sprint with it (do I need to cut and paste the POTUS tee time stats that have been posted in this forum?), who can let no moment pass without inserting a negative link to Trump in whatever way they can come up with. (For reference, have a look at CT’s ratio of anti-Trump posts/total posts; hence why I asked him if he ‘had anything else to add’ the other day)

This is a perfect example… You are saying that Trump ordered the SECNAV to go to the carrier and call the CO stupid… Is that true? Do you have evidence of that? If not, why would you post that?
Could it be because there has been a negative story and we should automatically pin Trump as being individually responsible for this other person’s actions?

Violating norms? Absolutely. In fact, I’d say his campaign promises to counter some of the things that had become “normal” is exactly why he got elected. What do you mean by ‘democratic’ norms? Your statement could have stood alone without that adjective, so I assume you put it there for a reason.

As if on que, here comes the NBC news article…“Trump’s” Navy scandal… At least they had decency to label it as opinion.

I go easy on Trump. He was a complete disaster long before I chose to get involved. The fact that he has no redeeming qualities whatsoever appears to not bother you in the slightest. You would be well advised to check your whining at the door, rather than quarrel with the person that lists a mere handful of the many faults of Trump.

You should hire me to make your arguments for you, as I can do it far better. Effortlessly. And I can do it on the merits.

Pro tip: Don’t whine so much. There’s probably only one way to make a rational defense of Cadet Bone Spurs and you ain’t got it. In order to you use it though, you pretty much have to concede that he’s an ignorant no-nothing. I suppose that’s what you’re looking for.

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Just to jump in where I wasn’t invited but there’s a good argument for Trump’s behavior which was used by Richard Nixon. Ronald Reagan could have used the senility/Alzheimer’s version of the same game.