Mt Whitney

Not sure if this should be posted here, or in the Navy thread, but I just read online that the Captain of the USS Mount Whitney was relived of his duty. Does any one know why? The article I read just stated that Capt. Williams was relieved of duty.

Google is your friend.

misconduct can mean a lot of things. Was just seeing if any one had any insights into it.

Is this the same goof ball that ran over a buoy? Or did they fire than one already. Seems the USN is really having problems finding decent commanding officers these days…

Hmm…sounds like a few emails are in order. Muahahahaha…

[QUOTE=Xmsccapt(ret);89056]Is this the same goof ball that ran over a buoy? Or did they fire than one already. Seems the USN is really having problems finding decent commanding officers these days…[/QUOTE]

True to a point; but then again, in my day we used to look out for one another, officer or enlisted. Today, every damn thing gets run up the flagpole. I am all for lowering the boom on someone who is truly incompetent. If this was another one of those “inappropriate behavior with opposite gender” things, I. WILL. SCREAM.

I’ll fire off a couple emails and see what I can gander…

I believe he was refusing to pay PMH (penalty meal hour).

Oh that could be devastating not paying a pmh, of course as we know he has nothing to do with that.

Perhaps Msc can give him a nice cush desk job like other failed USN officers have there. The USN tends to close ranks and protect their own most of the time. ( ie: USS PORT ROYAL, after they ran aground off Hawaii the CO was stationed shoreside so he could run out the clock for retirement). The Sitrep on that event read like a " sitcom". Would be interesting to see what this guy did to fall under the spotlight. It’s all very interesting to hear about events of this sort. I found that during my time with Msc few things were more arrogant than a naval officer. Often when they would spout off their " when I had command " speeches all you had to do was ask how long they have command and how many times. Their " time in command" was listed in months, and generally command was a one time life event. And yet they have the gall to think they are all knowing about command at sea. Most were nothing more than hypocrites in a uniform.