Thoughts on MSC

rest in pieces to a garbage organization with dirtbag people in the office and on the ships. hope you all are slinging french fries soon



Me every night remembering I don’t work for MSC.


did you ever work their?

I work there. It’s really really bad right now. I think it will be several years before things improve. Laying up these 17 ships is going to have very little impact. We will all start getting additional 6 days of leave per month soon but more leave means nothing if there is no one to relieve you so you can use it.


God bless you. The office reallys needs a complete overhaul. The majority of the people working in the office are prime targets for an IG investigation. It shows you how incompetent they are or they just dont care about letting the situation develop into what it is now. Treating mariners like trash and punishing the loyal who stick it out in the tough times is really not the best way to conduct business. I think you are correct that it will be several years before any positive change occurs.

How is the safety on the ship you are on? I hear horror stories about officers walking on egg shells around the unlicensed.


I hear stories of literal gangs…fresh from the streets of a certain N FL town, and friends have first hand experience with same. Both are quitting sailing as soon as they get relief. According to them there are compartments in some MSC ships that licensed officers do not enter and they are done with low performing, insubordinate crew. Certainly can’t report things up the chain to Norfolk or MSC headquarters because evidently that will get you a stern rebuke about sensitivity and inclusion. Good Lord, what is so hard about expecting people to do their job??? Frustrating

WTF is going on here? I initially thought, “No way is it that bad”, but now I have doubts. I suspect most of us have stories of half speed ABs and OSs from various regions of the country, but it is beginning to seem the center of the issue is from one area. Does anyone want to say it? Have we PC’d ourselves to the point of no return? I don’t know but I DO know I am glad I am in the countdown to swallowing the anchor and walking away from this mess.

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They’re doing great I hear

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I’ve heard from a buddy that back a few years ago a certain AOE was dubbed “African Queen”

MSC is great. I would highly recommend a damage control course and many of their ships run aground.