The Fat Man wants to get a thread started for input/comment and critique of the new CMPI 610. The Norfolk office and SIU reps are leaving as I type to start the roll out to the fleet. I had a small part in its negotiation through input and explanation of current applications of contract provisions to various evolutions. Game on, shipmates, lets hear what we all have to say. Hope to hear from some of the inport Norfolk ships as I believe they will see it first.
Can any of us not sailing for MSC have the slightest understanding of the level of ludicrous inane bullshit that runs through that fleet? I thank God Almighty himself that I never became a CivMar, Of course, people like the UniBlob revels in all of this nonsense just like Capt. Kenneth R. Force, USMS revels in his KP Marching Band. There’s really very little difference between the two. Same diarrhea different commode!
[QUOTE=c.captain;81519]I thank God Almighty himself that I never became a CivMar, Same diarrhea different commode![/QUOTE]
An apt summation. With no MSC experience and no idea of the issues, you still feel a compulsion to coment on something you know nothing of. That is the true on-line definition of diarrhea. Perhaps if you took the legendary pointy stick and self-inserted it you-know-where, it might help stem your flow of diarrhea.
Fat Man: I hope that this effort was more of a negotiation and less of a dictate. MSC has long needed a major overhaul of CMPI to eliminate the long-outdated Passenger Ship rules, like cleaning pet cages. Good luck.
In fact, it was a 2 1/2 year marathon negotiation. It was done through interest based as opposed to positional bargaining and had federal mediators at the table. It had input from Management, Unions, Licensed and Unlicensed CIVMARS. I am reading through the document now, as the next step involves implementation and feed back so it can be adjusted if necessary. I can say with certainty that the new 610 is far shorter, better organized and blessedly clearer in language and meaning.
They better not mess with my St. Lawrence Seaway line handling duty pay.
Still there. It is now covered in the line handling ashore section.
[QUOTE=c.captain;81519]Can any of us not sailing for MSC have the slightest understanding of the level of ludicrous inane bullshit that runs through that fleet? I thank God Almighty himself that I never became a CivMar, Of course, people like the UniBlob revels in all of this nonsense just like Capt. Kenneth R. Force, USMS revels in his KP Marching Band. There’s really very little difference between the two. Same diarrhea different commode![/QUOTE]
UniBlob ! Sounds like the perfect nickname for BlankChek !
While you might not have missed much by not sailing MSC - it ain’t all that bad, at least below decks where there is no quibbling over who gets to muck out the MSD. Keep laughing, it’s just a gummin’t yob, the pay comes on time - cash or check - the work is more or less interesting and you can quit anytime ! The CMPI just is a set of rules explaining how to get paid and what is expected of you and the employer.
[QUOTE=c.captain;81519]Can any of us not sailing for MSC have the slightest understanding of the level of ludicrous inane bullshit that runs through that fleet? I thank God Almighty himself that I never became a CivMar, Of course, people like the UniBlob revels in all of this nonsense just like Capt. Kenneth R. Force, USMS revels in his KP Marching Band. There’s really very little difference between the two. Same diarrhea different commode![/QUOTE]
How old are you? Do your parents know that you are using their computer?
So now unlicensed get rounded up until the full hour! I say phooey on those unlicensed
Only 30 days of night-d! Me angry. Me on ATF and ars really angry! You take my in port scam money!
Night D…The CONUS bonus. It’s part of the problem not the solution.
It should be paid when OCONUS.
Actually, quite an accurate summation of msc. One does. It have to take part in an organization to get a “feel” for it. Some research will do. Example: from what I’ve read I don’t think I’d want to be a solder in the Rhodesian army. Do I have to join to have that assumption?
The CMPI rewrite was first a good idea. The idea was to get rid of the old outdated rules. Then the idea was hijacked by the SES and near SES level in DC, along with some USN officers at the time. They saw a means to screw the civmar ( wow, imagine msc screwing civmars). The entire idea then became a shell game and has gone on for years. In the first revamp they took away established rates for master and cheng that would in effect lower the pay by some 20k a year. Other changes screwed the unlicensed. So back to the drawing board it went. The entire rewrite now has survived at least three COMSC tours that I know of and perhaps more. Msc does not have decent union representation, in the end any rewrite will most likely screw someone if not all civmars. In my view until they solve the deferred earnings issues there is nothing to talk about. ( for those here that don’t know, msc has a pay cap. This was not always the case, but came about shortly after 2000. Basically it restricts the level of pay for civmars and " banks" without interest any pay over the cap. Oh sure you get it when you retire, but the entire idea of pay caps of ships crews is indeed not legal as has been shown in Cfr regulations’ but no one wanted to listen and the union refused to take it for action… A civmar over or projected to go over the cap cannot get war bonus pay, overtime, or subsistence for when he/she has to live off the ship and the ship cannot feed as when in a repair. Period). So, until that is fixed there is nothing to negotiate.
Most recently I was asked by a young mariner what I knew about MSC. I passed to him that in my view MSC was not the place to be, and that there are better employers. I cited poor leadership from the shore side management level as well as poor USN leadership. In short, I think he would enjoy the Rhodesian army more…
The MSC and SIU reps were at my ship recently to inform us about the new CMPI and the only people afforded the opportunity to hear from the reps were the department heads. I’m sure they, the department heads, will relay a completely unbiased version of the changes to the CMPI to the rest of the crew. I especially expect that, given the fact that none of us have even seen the new CMPI that goes in effect 07 October, we will be afforded an opportunity to see a copy before then.
On second thought, fuck me. This is a dictate given to the department heads, created behind closed doors, that is being foisted on the rest of us under some rank bullshit by those with most to gain.
How I would like someone to contradict my beliefs but, as we had no input, no opportunity to parse the changes before they go live and no chance to even hear the propaganda from the frequent flyer mouthpieces sent to brainwash us into submission, I am sadly left to my own opinion.
Allow me. For 2 years SIU solicited input on the new CMPI from mariners. They posted articles in the Log, sent emails and messages to the ships and talked about it in the pools. I personally submitted input over a period of a year. Also, there were unlicensed mariners selected to be at the table for each departmental bargaining session. I can’t imagine what more could have been done to give you a chance at input. And yes, the input from union members was given more weight. If you ain’t on the inside, then you don’t care and the unions bargain for non-members under the DFR rules.
As to the way the roll out was presented on your ship, please email that info to our reps Chet Wheeler, Kate Hunt and union Council Deb Kleinberg. (,, That is exactly the kind of current feedback that is needed. The document is a work in progress and is subject to review and revision if enough input warrants it. If you don’t put it on paper, with your name, to the people that count, it don’t matter. There will be an open feedback email address up and running on Oct. 1st for all parties, union and management, to read from. from.
So somebody please tell us non CIVMARS what CMPI stands for?
Civilian marine personnel instruction. Basically a union and management agreement, rules of work, overtime etc. The present one is out of date and has conflicting rules as well. It’s been updated over the years but still remains behind the times. No matter how outdated the rules are its dangerous to change them. One group has one view and another group another. While there was an attempt to bring in civmars to " assist" in the rule changes but it still gets complicated due to various coast, USN evolvement as well as the shore side and shore " sitters" that are ( were ) civmars that no longer understand the issues of being a civmar. I was amazed to hear the lic union rep indicate that the one hour of overtime for masters was not defendable. After speaking to her I realized she did not even understand the background and reason why it was established. Not good when your " representative" needs to be educated. I was glad to get out before the new and improved CMPI took shape.
CMPI rollout team on my ship recently. 2 years of work by all these people and here is the result…1) unlicensed ot now rounded up to full hour. 2) no more night diff at ot rate after your bucket is in port for 30 days, night diff drops to pt pay rate.
Ummmm…I don’t get it?
So funny to watch all the zombie msc civmars during the presentation. This stuff is so far over their head/IQ. And then comes the insane question/answer session. “If dinner gives me diarrhea am I entitled to a penalty meal hour?” You can’t make this stuff up. I am starting to think that many civmars are “unemployable”, this is the only place they can exist. If not for msc they would be on the street or dead.
[QUOTE=UnRepKing;84510]I am starting to think that many civmars are “unemployable”, this is the only place they can exist. If not for msc they would be on the street or dead.[/QUOTE]
I have had that exact thought…
Civmar idiots aside, the gmail comment line is open now. The Fight Club os ship’s chairmen is coordinating input through petitions and group comments. So far the biggest issue is penalty pay for blocking and bracing. We have an encyclopedia of support for it and are hopeful to get it back on the table. Also, overtime stipend for Ship’s chairman, contractual coffee and clean-up time. Hope the commenters here are participating.