im a first assistant unltd, chief unl hp ltd oceans. im looking to make some better dough.
i trained a qmed to pass his first engineers license about 8 years ago on one of those “large osv’s” and is now making 970 a day.
i just got bumped up to 400 and the work is spotty at best.
so i was considering taking a dp maintenance course .can anyone give advice on which course is the most useful as far as getting a job?
the qmed and i both worked the large osv at the same time. i was chief, but the nmc has changed the rules for the endorsement of “large osv” now it seems that you need a “letter from an approved person within the company stating that you were properly trained on a large osv”
the FACT THAT I can show them the sea service as chief for two years seems irrelavant to the mindless beaurocrats. I did have an “AMMENDMENT TO LICENSE” for the large osv but it had an expiration date on it. now to renew it they just keep aasking me “where is the letter from the company” Hell, all i did was go into the coast guard in new orleans, tell them that my boss said i needed “this” for work and they printed one right on the spot.
Now that company doesnt have anyone on staff who is “approved” to write that letter.
any advice will be greatly appreciated