I’m a steward with Chouest. I’m trying to change over to QMED. The school at Chouest can’t get me in without interfering with my work schedule. I’ve been searching around and SeaSchool in Alabama offers a QMED / Oiler OSV course that I could take. I have enough sea time ( rated as a wiper ) and just need the courses. I realize this is not the optimum course, but is it enough to get a QMED position? My coordinator is not super helpful. Thanks.
Have you tried to study and take the test on your own yet? It’s possible to study at sea and set yourself up to take the exam when your off. The test should be one day, two at most.
Actually, I am curious about the Oiler OSV thing as well. I have a friend that wants to take the same course next month. From what I read on the Oiler OSV, I thought it was only good for OSV’s. Can the Oiler OSV be used on larger vessels, and foreign vessels??? I can’t seem to be able to find anymore info on it.
Anything that says OSV on it can only be used on Offshore Supply Vessels (Subchapter L). It is a limitation. I would not waste time getting QMED OSV. All you need is 180 days sea service as wiper to test for all the QMED ratings except for the 2 that require steam sea service. Then you would not be restricted to OSVs. As far as tonnage for a OSV restriction you can work on a OSV of any tonnage (currently a OSV is defined as under 6000 GT ITC). Foreign vessel, forget about. As far as I know the US is the only country with such a screwed up convoluted licensing structure that allows OSV limitations to exist, therefore it would only be good on a US flag OSV.