Hello everyone. I am new here to the forum, and after doing some browsing I decided I would try to get some advise on the route I am taking to try and become a qmed oiler.
I have no sea time at all. I am about to start an internship with Washington State Ferries. That will give me 90 days. After that I was planning on taking a course in MD that counds for 90 days as well, giving me the 180 needed, and also taking the test.
I am going to have an incrdedibly hard time interning for the ferries for 4.5 months for free though. I have a loan secured for the class, but that’s about it. Is there any place where I can go to work as a wiper on a boat somewhere to get 90 days? I would work for dirt cheap, as right now I’m lined up to work for free. Anything would he better.I’m in the Seattle area.
Any advise that anybody could offer would be greatly appreciated. I am 26, with one kiddo and one more due in 2 months. My goal is to work for Washington state ferries as an Oiler. I I’ve my mmd and twic already. Thanks!