OK, no heavy weapons being brought up here. Let’s just try to discuss what Trump MIGHT do to help us? What should we EXPECT him to do? Even one action worthwhile or beneficial for US?
As far as any expectations go…I do expect there will be some serious pressure now to do away with the US build requirement for cabotage trade with non contiguous states or territories starting with Puerto Rico. I do also expect the injured US seaman’s right to sue for damages under the unseaworthiness doctrine to be going away or at least be changed to lessen a court’s automatic assumption that any seaman’s claim is bona fide. Not that I want them, but changing both could foster some new ships to enter the US flagged fleet.
now, what MIGHT he do?
get foreign vessels out of the GoM unless they have US citizen crews
get all DoD cargoes off of foreign ships and onto US flagged ones
get at least a portion of LNG and crude exports onto US flagged ships
get the transhipment of crude via lightering off foreign shuttle tankers and onto US ones
expand the Maritime Security Program
renegotiate existing trade deals to include that at least a certain percentage of imports come in on US flagged ships
enact import duties on steel products and oil which would foster rebuilding steel and energy production in the US with concurrent maritime support
change the depreciation schedule for US flagged ships from 25 to 10 years
restore the PL480 program
appoint a Maritime Administrator who is actually a maritime industry executive
what others might we add to this list? Regardless, can we reasonably EXPECT even one of the above? I ain’t holding my breath but I suppose anything is possible. It is at least worth discussing I guess…
[QUOTE=Fraqrat;192515]Nick Saban gets my vote for Secretary of Defense.[/QUOTE]
let’s hear it for the flippant SOB in the peanut gallery
[QUOTE=lm1883;192507]You should write the president and your congressman/senators with your requests and expectations. Believe it or not they listen, especially the congressmen.[/QUOTE]
I would not soil my computer writing to our new Gropper in Chief and writing to my congressional representatives won’t do a lick of good considering they’re all Democrats and don’t expect a single one to say a FUCKING thing now…there is a new all Republican CLOWN CIRCUS in town and the future of EVERYTHING is up to them. Let’s see what a grand job the junta does with all their new power.
The first thing he has to do is backtrack with all the people he pissed off over the last 6 months. There’s so many people looking to torpedo him, he’s got his work cut out for him. You think Obama couldn’t get anything through a dysfunctional government, wait 'til you see how much cooperation Trump gets after insulting everyone he could.
I’d like to see the EPA get out of the industry altogether. All the new paperwork and tracking/reporting requirements don’t make the environment any cleaner.
[QUOTE=lm1883;192537]If you don’t ask anything of your representatives how can you expect them to represent you? They, the congressmen, will listen regardless of political affiliation.[/QUOTE]
how do you know that I haven’t and that perhaps I received a canned form letter in reply saying how they appreciated my “suggestions and concerns”
[QUOTE=Fraqrat;192542]There needs to be an executive order giving the navy full authorization to torpedo all GOM inbound foreign built OSV’s, MPSV’s, CSV’s, IE, EG, FU.[/QUOTE]
you are obviously suffering from huffing too much nitrous oxide gas…
I was being dead serious! Give them 30 mins to abandon ship and then sink the damn thing. You wouldn't have to do it but once they'd fall in line after that. I mean what are they gonna do? Condemn us in the harshest language possible? Its Norway no ones worried bout them. Send a couple pallets of Trump steaks back with their sailors.
[QUOTE=Fraqrat;192547]I was being dead serious! Give them 30 mins to abandon ship and then sink the damn thing. You wouldn’t have to do it but once they’d fall in line after that. I mean what are they gonna do? Condemn us in the harshest language possible? Its Norway no ones worried bout them. Send a couple pallets of Trump steaks back with their sailors.[/QUOTE]
I hear many people worrying about white supremacy nationalism in the US, but I didn’t realize they want to use Karl Dönitz’s strategies, too. With the UK naval forces not what they once were and no chance for America to come to the rescue this time, it just might work.
Where the fuck did you get that from? I’m talking about GoM Mariner supremacy nationalism. We need to deport all foreign Offshore vessels from the GOM immediately. If their Jones Act waiver doesn’t pass a background check they will be deported without delay. We need to build a wall around the GOM and make the Norwegians pay for it.
[QUOTE=Fraqrat;192551]Where the fuck did you get that from? I’m talking about GoM Mariner supremacy nationalism. We need to deport all foreign Offshore vessels from the GOM immediately. If their Jones Act waiver doesn’t pass a background check they will be deported without delay. We need to build a wall around the GOM and make the Norwegians pay for it.[/QUOTE]
And when the foreign built Offshore vessels, drill ships, crane vessels, seismic vessels and what have you have left, how are you going to be able to do anything in the GoM?
Oh, you mean by utilizing all those 1970s style mud boats built at US shipyard? Just do cheap conversions as needed to suit whatever tasks required maybe?
Well, when the “Frackers” get their act together there will not be any need for offshore oil & gas from the GoM.
Somehow it looks like you are your own worst enemies.
By all means build a wall around all of USA and keep everybody else OUT. Please also make sure all redneck and crazies stay IN.
[QUOTE=ombugge;192553]By all means build a wall around all of USA and keep everybody else OUT. Please also make sure all redneck and crazies stay IN.[/QUOTE]
After that we should build a virtual wall around gcaptain so we can keep out pesky Norwegians.
It reminds me of an ancient Canadian story which has been passed down since at least 1968.
A Montrealais and an Ottawan are walking together beside the slushy waters of the Ottawa River. They spy a green bottle on the shore and pause to pick it up. “Mais,quesque c’est?” wonders the Quebecois. He rubs the sand off the bottle, and out pops a genie (he’s an immigrant, but he has papers). The genie says, “Really? 2 of you? What do you think this is, a BOGO sale? Only 1 wish each, take it or leave it.” The Montrealais goes first, “I wish for a grande wall to zurround all of Quebec and keep out all of dhe Anglais and dheir terrible cuisine.” The genie rolls his eyes, snaps his fingers and declairs it done. The Ottawan purses his lips and squints, “I wish you’d fill it with water.”