If the 10 minutes I just spent trying to make this look right didn’t work I’ll be buying a new phone today when this one flies off my sixth floor balcony.
I’m NOT picking on the poster I am replying to, most of these are probably worth doing or trying to some extent. I do think, however, that the list really shows how far the whole idea of a merchant marine has drifted from what it’s supposed to be.
The Navy is supposed to support the Merchant Marine and we’ve let it get all twisted up and backwards.
As far as I can tell the “merchant” part of the merchant marine is doing fine. New tugs and barges are being built to move paying cargo up and down the coasts and rivers. The foreign going (MSP) container ships are profitable. Even without the stipends they’d be profitable, just less so. Just look at the article on the main page about CMA-CGM… the US APL ships are part of that. Maersk and Hapag probably similar.
The fleet auxiliary/sealift stuff is a different story but I maintain that that’s a DoD problem and solution, not a DoT problem nor solution.
Activate the Ready Reserve Fleet in 1st 2 yrsto get a base line of where we need to focus. Then modernize the fleet with DoD funds since it seems they have an unlimited amount money.
emphasized text**I’m not sure that another new baseline is needed, but ok, that gets established in 2025 or 26. In the remaining two or three years how do you suggest an administrator in one department launch a major acquisition program using funds belonging to another department?
Increase the MSC support of the us navy fleets
emphasized text**Why would the Secretary of Transportation spend their budget on something the Secretary of Defense is responsible for? How would an Administrator in another Department even do this?
Better working conditions for MSC to help it NOT be the weakest link in our otherwise modern navy.
emphasized text**Starting to sense a pattern? This isn’t the job of the Department of Transportation
Go on a public relationship campaign for the US Merchant Mariners, civmar & private to help increase recruiting & awareness.
Civilian Mariners working for DoD isn’t a DoT problem. Everybody that wants the government trying to plus up the number of mariners and increasing downward pressure on wages please raise your hand!
I know the USCG icebreaker program is under the Department of Homeland Security but not the shipyards. So DOT/MARAD should do something, or a bunch of somethings to help those idiots build some icebreakers before all the ice melts
Find a way to improve the numbers of academy grads going to sea. Find a percentage & aim for it. 65%, 75% or any reasonable goal.
emphasized text
Bring the data. Given the proliferation of non license programs at non-federal colleges I don’t know a target number, but 75% sounds high. How many sail for how long? And how far out counts as going to sea? I’ve got classmates that have done 30 years on tugs. Does that count?