THis is to anyone thinking about taking the qmed-oiler class in Bayou Labatre. The material they charge you over a $1000 for and promise will help you pass the Exam at the REC DOES NOT. They just want your $$$. Don’t let them scam you like they did me. The oiler book Marine Education Textbooks sells for $80 is way more worth your time and money. Good luck.
[QUOTE=matthewfarrar19;149402]THis is to anyone thinking about taking the qmed-oiler class in Bayou Labatre. The material they charge you over a $1000 for and promise will help you pass the Exam at the REC DOES NOT. They just want your $$$. Don’t let them scam you like they did me. The oiler book Marine Education Textbooks sells for $80 is way more worth your time and money. Good luck.[/QUOTE]
Did you attend the class? Did you have prior mechanical experience and sea time? Did this school guarantee you would pass the test? I don’t think they do. Was the instruction bad?
Of course one can get the study materials from other sources and pass the test on their own.What exactly is your complaint?
There is no good instruction on anything at Sea school Bayou Labatre. It is a certificate mill. The reason once you pass a class you have to wait weeks for your cert to come from the main office in Tampa is because they have been caught multiple time outright selling certificates for cash. Ive used them several times when necessary because of their location but never once learned there…
Ain’t that the truth!
Sea School HQ in St. Petersburg is great. I’ve taken several courses/tests there.
Wayne, their licensing/compliance point is uniformed USCG and worked REC Miami and NMC 25+ years.
Invaluable for complex licensing applications/scenarios.
Of course I took the class. It’s curriculum is set up for one to pass the OSV license that doesn’t exist anymore. Steam for one thing wasn’t covered at all, which come to find out is a big part of the REC exam. I’m someone who learned the hard way and I’m here to tell anyone who will listen not make the same mistake.
[QUOTE=rigdvr;149406]There is no good instruction on anything at Sea school Bayou Labatre. It is a certificate mill. The reason once you pass a class you have to wait weeks for your cert to come from the main office in Tampa is because they have been caught multiple time outright selling certificates for cash. Ive used them several times when necessary because of their location but never once learned there…[/QUOTE]
In my opinion Sea School hands people a ticket that they do not deserve at all. I wish the U.S. Coast Guard would look into their QMED program since it is a certificate mill! I am a Unlimited Chief Engineer and over the last 2 years I have had a string of idiots that got their QMED at Sea School. They all knew absolutely nothing after departing the Sea School factory. But they were proud they had their QMED and getting the pay. One of them had no idea what Teflon pipe tape was or how to use it. Another could not even change out a ¼” ball valve without step-by-step instruction. Two of them did not even know what the QMED assessment was. They replied it must be something the school filled out for them. I encourage my new oilers to strike QMED and study – learn their job and be useful down the line.
A post was split to a new topic: Best place to go to sea school to get my qmed?