USCG License Renewal

Does anyone know exactly what all is required to renew a Chief Engineer’s license when you don’t have 360 days of seatime?

Open Book Test. If your application to renew is approved the USCG will email the test and answer sheet to use. When finished either email back to them or return by mail.

Thanks very much, I was wondering which refresher courses I am required to take.

BST Refresher. It is a combination refresher class that covers Basic Training, Advanced Fire Fighting, and Proficiency in Survival Craft

I assume you have already taken the STCW Gap closing classes comprised of ERM, MEECE, Leadership & Management, Leadership & Teamwork. If not, those need to be completed as well.

It’s not a combination of those courses, all three are required and they are separate courses. BT refresher is only for basic training. Advanced Firefighting Refresher and Proficiency in Survival Craft Refresher are separate courses and also required.

All of these courses are for STCW. But you can let STCW lapse and renew when/if you need it. To reinstate it a later date, you would need to do whatever is required for renewal at the time you want to reinstate STCW. If you decide to keep STCW active, make sure you take REFRESHER courses, noy revalidation courses. The revalidation courses are for those who have the one year of sea service in the past five years.

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Thanks very much for your clarification. That’s very good to know info.

My description was a poor paraphrase of the course offered at the MEBA school

  • The BST Refresher course is required for mariners renewing their license that do NOT have 1 year of sea time in the last 5 years.
  • This one-week course combines the Advanced Fire Fighting Refresher, Basic Safety Training Refresher, and Proficiency in Survival Craft Refresher courses.
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