The product of a wasted old age but since I'm an obsessive/compulsive personality

6000 posts in just over 5 years here!..what is this monster I have become?


anyone got a cigar for an old crotchety curmudgeon?

[QUOTE=c.captain;132376]6000 posts in just over 5 years here!..what is this monster I have become?


anyone got a cigar for an old crotchety curmudgeon?[/QUOTE]

And to think I just broke 1,000 this week after two years here. I guess I have 10 more years to go to catch up with you! That’s a lot of pointy sticks, I better get my pocket knife out and start sharpening…

Yup. And I smoked it myself. And my nerves won’t let me give any tobacco products away!

[QUOTE=c.captain;132376]6000 posts in just over 5 years here!..what is this monster I become?[video=youtubeDRU]://[/video]anyone got a cigar for an old crotchety curmudgeon?[/QUOTE]I imagine that there are plenty of cigar offers for your accomplishments, but they differ in the method and placement. cheers!

[QUOTE=Ea$y Money;132734]I imagine that there are plenty of cigar offers for your accomplishments, but they differ in the method and placement. cheers![/QUOTE]

Ha Ha…we have another comedian in the house tonight ladies and germs


a death battle of the killer clowns!