[SIZE=1]Looks like Old Maritime Advertisements got the works. The thread was pulled. Someone might have complained about the old cigarette ads so the historic video with Brian McAllister got trashed. I would like an explanation but it’s not coming our way. [/SIZE]
[QUOTE=Sweat-n-Grease;99384]Looks like Old Maritime Advertisements got the works. The thread was pulled. Someone might have complained about the old cigarette ads so the historic video with Brian McAllister got trashed. I would like an explanation but it’s not coming our way[/QUOTE]
By Jove you’re right! I’d also like to know why the thread was kaboshed? What gives Mike? Too much gay bashing by yours truly and complaints by the limp handshake gang about how mean and nasty I am?
[QUOTE=c.captain;99397]By Jove you’re right! I’d also like to know why the thread was kaboshed? What gives Mike? Too much gay bashing by yours truly and complaints by the limp handshake gang about how mean and nasty I am?[/QUOTE]
Yea, as I recollect you did post some rather strident words about two fellows and a cute doggie with pink puffy paws, in addition you left no doubt about your attitude concerning those marvelous gay cruises (Oh, what a poor choice of word). It’s either that or the anti-smoking religion. Cripes, what’s next, someone getting testy over Groucho’s cigar?
That thread was cutting it close for this PC world we live in. Not surprised it got zapped.
I am surprised the USMMA thread is still up after some of us took liberty commenting on one pleasantly plump MUG in a picture,
Ah well, it’s John’s sandbox and he makes the rules.
That was a cool thread, too. I liked the twin gay guys with the stuffed animal. Left me speechless, for once.
[QUOTE=catherder;99423]That was a cool thread, too. I liked the twin gay guys with the stuffed animal. Left me speechless, for once.[/QUOTE]
Well, I’m glad I wasn’t the only one. Look, it’s cool to have a gay only “cruise” and why fret about it it. They were having fun. Wish “The Captain” was there to post reports.
Cripes, he’s gonna get mad at me again.
OK, Mikey, way was this thread trashed?
I never did get time to write a response to anyone in the last thread due to working the past few days. But I wanted to say my peace to c.captain… I know this is an open forum and you have to right to say your opinion on a topic and I respect that, but I also have the right to say my opinion which I’m not really afraid to do (LOL my user name kinda hints at that) no matter if I may fall in the “minority” group. I guess that all we can do is agree to disagree, as I have never really seen anyone change their mind in an argument (especially one on a forum). So I hope we didn’t start off on the wrong foot, but I highly doubt that this is the last time I will encounter the pointy stick! 
But I do have to say that the picture with the two gay guys with the stuffed poodle was quite funny! They definitively win the award for the most shocking. XD
Hahahahaha nice…but who’s the stupid one that “feeds” them? 
Damnit. I’ve missed a lot in the last couple of days. Why can’t my boat have Internet that’s works more than a mile offshore from Fourchon. I’ve been robbed
[QUOTE=PaulBaudry;99464]Damnit. I’ve missed a lot in the last couple of days. Why can’t my boat have Internet that’s works more than a mile offshore from Fourchon. I’ve been robbed[/QUOTE]
It would be impossible to get that thread back again, Paul (unless gCaptain can do it) but it was funny. Too bad some sour apple had to bitch and spoil it for the rest of us. Too bad we don’t know who did it. Doubtful the person responsible will ever admit to it, the creep.
[QUOTE=Sweat-n-Grease;99477]It would be impossible to get that thread back again, Paul (unless gCaptain can do it) but it was funny. Too bad some sour apple had to bitch and spoil it for the rest of us. Too bad we don’t know who did it. Doubtful the person responsible will ever admit to it, the creep.[/QUOTE]
Had to be the moderators of the forum. Maybe an advertiser got upset that sailors were being sailors, on a maritime forum? Who knows?
But I never met a mariner worth a damn that was politically correct.
[QUOTE=tengineer;99479]I never met a mariner worth a damn that was politically correct.[/QUOTE]
Amen brother…Fucking-A-Men!
[QUOTE=tengineer;99479]Had to be the moderators of the forum. Maybe an advertiser got upset that sailors were being sailors, on a maritime forum? Who knows?
But I never met a mariner worth a damn that was politically correct.[/QUOTE]
I wish I didn’t use the word “creep,” that was not nice of me and I’m really not one to toss stones. We did get a tad off the reservation on the thread so let it be.
[QUOTE=TheNoisySeagull;99453]I never did get time to write a response to anyone in the last thread due to working the past few days. But I wanted to say my peace to c.captain… I know this is an open forum and you have to right to say your opinion on a topic and I respect that, but I also have the right to say my opinion which I’m not really afraid to do (LOL my user name kinda hints at that) no matter if I may fall in the “minority” group. I guess that all we can do is agree to disagree, as I have never really seen anyone change their mind in an argument (especially one on a forum). So I hope we didn’t start off on the wrong foot, but I highly doubt that this is the last time I will encounter the pointy stick! 
But I do have to say that the picture with the two gay guys with the stuffed poodle was quite funny! They definitively win the award for the most shocking. XD[/QUOTE]
The more, the merrier! Welcome!
I was trying to remember what the animal was- you have a great memory 
[QUOTE=catherder;99526]The more, the merrier! Welcome!
I was trying to remember what the animal was- you have a great memory ;-)[/QUOTE]
My Gawd, catherder, how could you ever forget those pink puffy paws?
Lordy, what some folks have done to a very intelligent water dog.
I know someone who hunts with his poodle, it may seem unbelievable but this dog does not have pink puffy paws.
[QUOTE=Sweat-n-Grease;99568]My Gawd, catherder, how could you ever forget those pink puffy paws?
Lordy, what some folks have done to a very intelligent water dog.
I know someone who hunts with his poodle, it may seem unbelievable but this dog does not have pink puffy paws.[/QUOTE]
just to brighten an otherwise dreary Monday

Don’t ya just love metallic purple lame!
btw, I really wonder what these two pieces of hotness are wearing for shoes? Gotta be 6" stiletto heels!