there should be a UN law that says if the fish are not fresh its illegal to sell them.
in other words frozen fish are illegal
That will never happen also because then people living far from the sea will have a hard time to procure fresh fish. Also the price of fresh fish in such areas will be very high because it has to be flown in and that in turn causes more CO2 emission…
Did you forget to use the sarcasm emoji with this post?
we all eat fresh vegetables dont we?
Well, yes, we do… But a cod tends to rot faster than, say, an apple. If you want to get cod from Alaska to Miami–or Singapore-- the most efficient way to do so is to freeze it. You could ship it fresh, at ten times the cost, but then much if it would still go bad before before it was eaten. (Do I really need do explain this? What am I missing here?)
any point in eating frozen fish, if you like fish eat it fresh
Not so fast Tonto. Where I live on the coast, I can eat a variety of freshly caught seafood any time. Our vegetables come from inland so they’re frozen to keep them fresh. If you live in farm country, the opposite happens.
frozen vegetables, are they worth eating?
You have to be careful. You can break a tooth biting into a frozen vegetable or anything else that’s frozen… It’s best to keep them at room temperature for a while and thaw them out before eating.
How about frozen fish, is it better to go for it right away or better to thaw them out first?
only thing frozen worth eating is ice cream and margaritias
What about canned tuna, anchovies, sardines & mackerel? Are those okay or should they only be sold fresh too?
Award for dumbest thread on gCaptain goes to…
Perhaps my canned seafood comment is off topic & I should start a separate thread about canned food?
Bite into frozen fish is beyond rationality, you must lick-defrost the beast !
Food for thought (sorry)-
And dried. And Tetra Pak. Don’t forget pickled and salted.
The U.S. Government definition of “Fresh Fish” is that it has never been frozen. I once watched a long-liner crew in Hawaii rotate swordfish, shark, opah, tuna, and other pelagic carcasses in an ice hold to keep the lividity moving until the buying price of the catch increased. The long-liners, and others, can bring catch ashore that is “fresh” that may already be a week or more old.
What about fish fingers?
Sometimes in dross you find gold.
Just the Alaskan fishing industry alone employs 60,000 people. More than, say, the U.S. coal mining industry, I believe. And the Alaskan fishing industry is primarily based on freezing its catch. The industry also represents a large share of U.S. maritime jobs.
But yes, it’s a stupid thread…
Fish have fingers?!? Badda Bing! I’ll be here all week folks. Don’t forget to tip your waitress and have a safe drive home.