Shipping News revived

Looks like not all banks and shipowners think the same way as tugsailor: European Short Sea ship design - #52 by tugsailor

Fleet expansion is flavour of the week:

More mergers in European shipping:

Another BW affiliated company move to Singapore:

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More news about seafarers’ rights and conditions of service:

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Hong Kong Maritime Week is getting near:

Hong Kong is also in the news for the Safe & Green Recycling of Ships Convention:

More related to HK Maritime Week:

A memorable day in shipping:

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Anybody here hold shears in Avance Gas Holdings?:

More money for Big Jon:

Latest info from Oslo Børs:

Is Crowley contemplating attracting crews from cheap labour reservoirs like Columbia Ship Management which has two major offices in Cyprus and Germany. I worked for both 2009-2015. They have a huge pool of PH, Indian/Sri Lanka, UKR, Russian and the whole collection of former Soviet block nationals.

Rem: Knew Mr. Meyer in person when he was medium to low key official in CSM/D