Sea Time for Renewal

I currently hold a 1600T Oceans with a 3d Mate unlimited endorsement. I am renewing my license and STCW. I have 400 underway days on a vessel under 100GT since my last renewal.
Do I have to take a BST refresher to renew?
Many Thanks!

If you are master of a yacht (based on your username) then I believe none of your time counts because yachts are outside of the STCW. I ran a yacht of almost 2000grt and when renewing my license, credit of that seatime towards renewal on my STCW all of it was denied because the vessel was both uninspected and not SOLAS. This despite the fact that based on the vessel’s tonnage, all the crew was required to be certified mariners.

If you are on an inspected small passenger vessel even if not SOLAS certified, I believe the NMC would credit the time towards renewal of your STCW certificate.

I still don’t know if the USCG gives any credit towards renewal of STCW certificates for service on other uninspected vessels such as any fishing vessel including processors or tugs since those mariners do not need to have STCW certificates to sail? My thought is that that time also would not count. Maybe someone else here can answer that.

If your sea time is recent (within 90 days of renewal) and you were an officer in charge of a navigational watch (captain or mate) you will not have to take the BST refresher. At least that was the case for me. Good luck.

[quote=YachtCaptn;8196]I currently hold a 1600T Oceans with a 3d Mate unlimited endorsement. I am renewing my license and STCW. I have 400 underway days on a vessel under 100GT since my last renewal.
Do I have to take a BST refresher to renew?
Many Thanks![/quote]

BST is for your STCW certification, if you have it, and is not tied to license renewal. All you need to renew is 360 underway days in the last five years, which it sounds like you’ve got. With less than the year’s sea time, you’d be requred to take an open book rules and general exam.