I’ve sailed for 35 years, with various ratings from OS to Master, and decided to retire. Mistake!!! I miss working on the water like I’ve never missed anything before. I’ve been ashore for about 3 years now. Anyway, I had to renew under whats called “continuity” because I didn’t have the needed sea-time. I’ve heard that one can get their license restored by other means, as I don’t see how I can get sea-time without my restored license. ANY help would be much appreciated and considered a Blessing.
[quote=afendt;23320]I’ve sailed for 35 years, with various ratings from OS to Master, and decided to retire. Mistake!!! I miss working on the water like I’ve never missed anything before. I’ve been ashore for about 3 years now. Anyway, I had to renew under whats called “continuity” because I didn’t have the needed sea-time. I’ve heard that one can get their license restored by other means, as I don’t see how I can get sea-time without my restored license. ANY help would be much appreciated and considered a Blessing.
Do you have all your current STCW endorsements and a TWIC card? If not, you’re looking at quite a process to get legal again.
Thanks for quick reply dougpine…I have TWIC card and MOST of my STCW endoresements. I believe I need the RADAR refresher. I’m not afraid of spending SOME money for what I need to get legal as it seems very important to me. Thanks again.
Do you have an STCW certificate? If so what does it say and what is the expiration date? Radar renewal is apart from STCW.
the NMC or even your local REC can tell you what you’ll need. if you retired 3 yrs ago then you would have had to have had your stcw in place. as you know there is a new MMC booklet which has replaced your old license. also the VSO has to be listed in your stcw/MMC book now, if applicible.
there has traditionally been a 50 question take home rules of the road test that officially activates your license after “continuity”; but again your local REC or the NMC can tell you.
good luck.
Many thanks…my next step will be to contact REC. If just a Rules test, no problem. Even if my STCW isn’t in place, perhaps I can just get legal with my 100 ton inland and towing endorsement. I did retire, and would like to work on a smaller vessel, perhaps closer to home. Again, many thanks.
All my STCW have expired. I worked for the USACE at the end of my carreer on a small vessel that didn’t require me to keep up with STCW.