School certificate and upgrading

I have read that I can send them a copy of the certificate the school gave me but cant find it on the nmc website. Im assuming you can do it just because you can now email them in. Can someone confirm this? Click on the REC center nearest to you, and it should bring you to that RECs page. On it is an email address for submitting applications and documents. Once they have it, they will send it off to the NMC.

As far as I know, everything can now be sent in via email, in PDF format. Hope this helps!

[QUOTE=kfj;45265]I have read that I can send them a copy of the certificate the school gave me but cant find it on the nmc website. Im assuming you can do it just because you can now email them in. Can someone confirm this?[/QUOTE]

You an email the entire applications - including certificates, I’ve done many applications for crew members. Some applications are over the 10mb limit - with all of the assessments and certificates, but you can send separate emails if needed. Just make sure the Mariner number is in the title and put email 1 of 2, etc…

Oops I wasnt clear. I plan on mailing it in. I want to keep the originals but I meant I guess I can send copies because you cant email in originals. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I typed the post as I was heading out the door.

I sent in copies of all my discharges and certificates when I applied to upgrade. No problems. Keep the originals.

thank you!