Sause and Hornbeck Interviews?

Yeah a friend at OTB suggested that. Figured I have to wait for an opening then head to Seattle and try knocking on the door, unless their office in PDX hires.

OTB is def looking for tankermen right now. Call them and ask for Matt Hammond or Byron Peterson. Pay decent, benefits are good

Awesome will do. Tankerman in SEA and PDX?

Any idea on the pay as well? More of a side not really. I’m pulling in 240 as a AB/tank right now.

It tops out on the boats at 426, you get 30 extra if you run the coast. Im sure they start everyone at a dif rate depending on experience etc…

Shoreside im not sure, ive heard about 32 an hour, but they get lots of extras in travel, OT and other stuff. I know they are killing it in hrs right now.

Its all bunker and black oil, barges are new (last 5 yrs or so), boats are older but now that they have new barges they are building new boats.

Seattle for sure, no idea about Portland. But river wages are way lower. They are doing 14-14 inside boats, 28-28 outside boats. But You can work all the extra you want.

Awesome. I will check it out next week! (Not in town right now)

Go get em Nazeal

Nice Dave nice

If you dont get them or hear back from them, then just keep calling. Both are pretty busy and can be a bit scattered brained about calling people back. Good luck brother

Thanks so much for the help man!

No prob man. Shoot me a pm when you get the chance, give ya another good tip for OTB