I’m studying to test soon, and I haven’t had a chance to get a hold of a 2019 Bowditch, may not get a chance to familiarize myself before the exams. I’ve heard conflicting stories on if they even have the sailing formula at all, but I’ve also heard they have the formulas just without a sample problem worked out anymore. If anybody has been through this recently and knows what’s up I would sure appreciate the info. Thanks!
There’s a pdf version of 2019 edition of Bowditch here.
Oh man that’s great and answers any further questions I could have. Thanks!
Depending which REC you test at, some still have all versions of bowditch in the room!
Ya know, looking through the pdf linked above, I kinda like the 2019 version, or at least don’t see the downside to it. I had kind of a knee jerk reaction when I first saw how small it was compared to our beloved '81, I assumed they’d removed a lot of useful stuff but I was able to look up all the critical information no problem. In the celestial part, the way they present a full sight reduction is pretty damn good in fact.
I’ll sell you mine
I agree. I’ve gotten used to it at this point and like you said eveything is there that you really need, but bowditch 1 comes in very handy for the generals.