Russian ship stuck in ice

anybody familiar with that Russian ship type? My guess is the sea chest will continue to get water for a while… anybody plan on taking possession? I wonder how long the hull will survive? The news broadcasts are as informative as ever for us mariners.

The Russian crew is staying onboard. I’m pretty sure they will retain possession of their own ship.

welllllll, If / when that seachest freezes shut, even if they have aux. steam to help, life will quickly become miserable on board. even right now the down wind side of the msd discharge can’t be wonderfull? and then spring time…or when pressure ridges start forming I don’t believe the hull can survive, well, it won’t survive a direct squeeze and looking at that hull, I don’t think it’ll pop up, though Shakeltons’ ship did (sort of) it still never survived, wood or not…it’s all tin foil! I wish those news broadcasters would get someone on their staff who knows about ships, even their ‘experts’ are totally clueless, and prob get $10K to prove to us how much so!

[QUOTE=ElCapitan;127343]The Russian crew is staying onboard. I’m pretty sure they will retain possession of their own ship.[/QUOTE]

You bet they will. As long as the booze holds out, all will be Хорошо.

But the science party is supposedly being airlifted off.

the crew can’t afford the price of the booze and probably has to stay till the bitter end! … hell , they can’t even buy their way off!!! ha ha ha… oops!

[QUOTE=“jimrr;127341”]anybody familiar with that Russian ship type? My guess is the sea chest will continue to get water for a while… anybody plan on taking possession? I wonder how long the hull will survive? The news broadcasts are as informative as ever for us mariners.[/QUOTE]

It’s a riot the people on board were a group of " scientist" researching global warming. How ironic.

[QUOTE=Xmsccapt(ret);127477]It’s a riot the people on board were a group of " scientist" researching global warming. How ironic.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, how funny.

Of course the deniers have jumped all over this as “proof” that years of data are just a pile of lies.

Those same people become very quiet when the temps in Bangor, Maine reach the century mark plus…

I got to wondering whether they offered that capt. some cashish to ‘go a little further’? I’m pretty sure that ship is a old Antarctic hand and I can’t see the rooskie taking any chances without a pretty good ‘reason’!

[QUOTE=jimrr;127505]I got to wondering whether they offered that capt. some cashish to ‘go a little further’? I’m pretty sure that ship is a old Antarctic hand and I can’t see the rooskie taking any chances without a pretty good ‘reason’![/QUOTE]

Who knows. The word I hear is that some of the sea ice broke loose from elsewhere and blew into their area very quickly.

[QUOTE=catherder;127500]Yeah, how funny.

Of course the deniers have jumped all over this as “proof” that years of data are just a pile of lies.

Those same people become very quiet when the temps in Bangor, Maine reach the century mark plus…[/QUOTE]

Jeeze…who are we supposed to believe? What about the emails that exposed the Global warming bunch in England…then changed it “climate change”. Back in the '70s, it was global cooling. I was in Seward Alaska and it was 96 degrees one day and snowing a week later. Then it was the hole in the ozone. They passed legislation on Freon and shazam…the hole closed up. I was in one of the first classes and tested for “safe Freon handling”. The instructor was perplexed that the entire class questioned the “science”. I guess I’m a charter member of the “deniers”.


Jeeze…who are we supposed to believe? What about the emails that exposed the Global warming bunch in England…then changed it “climate change”. Back in the '70s, it was global cooling. I was in Seward Alaska and it was 96 degrees one day and snowing a week later. Then it was the hole in the ozone. They passed legislation on Freon and shazam…the hole closed up. I was in one of the first classes and tested for “safe Freon handling”. The instructor was perplexed that the entire class questioned the “science”. I guess I’m a charter member of the “deniers”.[/QUOTE]

When was it 96 in Seward? I lived there for a while and it struggled to get above 70.

[QUOTE=injunear;127511]Jeeze…who are we supposed to believe? What about the emails that exposed the Global warming bunch in England…then changed it “climate change”. Back in the '70s, it was global cooling. I was in Seward Alaska and it was 96 degrees one day and snowing a week later. Then it was the hole in the ozone. They passed legislation on Freon and shazam…the hole closed up. I was in one of the first classes and tested for “safe Freon handling”. The instructor was perplexed that the entire class questioned the “science”. I guess I’m a charter member of the “deniers”.[/QUOTE]

The email thing was debunked as a hoax and a hackjob a long time ago. If it were worth two goddamn cents you’d see it all over the news, especially the right-leaning outlets like Fox. Notice they have dropped the subject entirely.

I work around scientists. I work for NOAA, remember? The ones I’ve met so far don’t have an agenda nor do they seem to be in on some kind of vast fucking conspiracy. As much as they like to yak, any conspiracy would have been out to the four winds a long time ago.

Scientists gather data and then they have to collate it and analyze it. The data they gather will be used by scientists all over the world. There is little to no political bias. Most scientists don’t give a flying rats ass about politics. They are into getting down to the facts. That’s it. That’s how they tick. They are into data and numbers and discovery and a lot of it is very mundane number crunching. I can assure you there are few if any scientists who are trying to fabricate a world-wide conspiracy regarding climate change, ffs how many do you figure will actually profit from this? Considering most gov’t and university scientists are paid fucking peanuts to begin with?? If they wanted big bucks then medicine would have been the route. I have actually met and worked with the climate change guys, even in my short tenure here. They are not a pack of opportunistic grifters.

One scientist from Fisheries told me that they gather data and “the politicians turn the data into a political statement.” This guy was talking about the red snapper fishery but apply that virtually anywhere.

That pretty much sums it up. It’s the frigging politicians (note well my sig line) who take empirical data and then manipulate it to suit their ends! With no scientific training, mind you.

Need some anecdotal data? Yeah, it’s cold in Boston tonight. And snowing. And: last week, I got off of the ship that surveyed and mapped the north coast of Alaska in 2012.

10 years ago, such a thing would have been unheard of. Now you have Shell and other entities looking to drill there where it was once considered impossible.

Ask yourself why a group of highly educated people would willingly go far from home and accept shit wages- or no wages- to do CTD drops and study wildlife and pack ice?

Climate is changing. How much is due to our activity and how much is due to Mother Nature can be debated, but back to that scientist from Fisheries, that I grilled on midwatch…he told me to think of climate change in terms of CO2.

CO2 in our atmosphere is 400 percent higher than the beginning of the Industrial Age. That’s a big deal. CO2 in excess is a greenhouse gas.

And to that end, even the bigwig CEOs get it. You might want to read this:

And please don’t take this personally, it wasn’t meant as such. Happy New Year!

I always get a kick out of it when scientists try to tell me about global warming, greenhouses gasses, and saving the environment. Then I explain to them how many gallons of diesel their R/V is burning every day.

[QUOTE=gulf_engineer;127518]I always get a kick out of it when scientists try to tell me about global warming, greenhouses gasses, and saving the environment. Then I explain to them how many gallons of diesel their R/V is burning every day.[/QUOTE]

Well, my post made it to the board but got deleted.

Did you read the link?

Even the CEO of Exxon-Mobil admits that climate change is a serious problem.

You can point out individual discrepancies all you want but you can’t deny it when the big businesses acknowledge it’s a problem.

      • Updated - - -

[QUOTE=injunear;127511]Jeeze…who are we supposed to believe? What about the emails that exposed the Global warming bunch in England…then changed it “climate change”. Back in the '70s, it was global cooling. I was in Seward Alaska and it was 96 degrees one day and snowing a week later. Then it was the hole in the ozone. They passed legislation on Freon and shazam…the hole closed up. I was in one of the first classes and tested for “safe Freon handling”. The instructor was perplexed that the entire class questioned the “science”. I guess I’m a charter member of the “deniers”.[/QUOTE]

I made a post but it was deleted. A new poster below was able to quote it so you can read it there. The email scam was a hoax, those emails were hacked and re-written by people looking to discredit the scientists.

The oil and gas industry admits that climate change is a real and serious problem, so perhaps it’s time to pay attention to the facts- and leave the hyperbole and hysterical bible-thumping behind.

Until the deniers come up with their own peer-reviewed empirical data, I’ll stick with science.

Global warming is a fact. The unanswered question is what is really causing it. A natural change in the earth’s magnetic field? Natural warming period between ice ages? The effects of naturally occurring greenhouse gases? Man made greenhouse gases? Some combination of the above? No one knows.

What happens when the next Krakatoa goes off?


I always get a kick out of it when scientists try to tell me about global warming, greenhouses gasses, and saving the environment. Then I explain to them how many gallons of diesel their R/V is burning every day.[/QUOTE]

My point has always been that the world indeed through time may warm and cool. I’m sure the world is more durable than we are. Should we not take the best care and practice conservation of our resources? Of course. Can I do anything about global warming? Nope. I take great exeption to fakes like Al Gore flying around in a private jet spending more carbon than I could in a lifetime telling me how to live. Im sure the world will be here spinning along long after we are gone.

I heard one of the crew members had a relative at the artic station and asked the Captain to do a drive by so they could see his ship. Said they do it in Italy all the time

[QUOTE=catherder;127519]Well, my post made it to the board but got deleted.

Did you read the link?

What’s up with that?

I read the captured quote from Ms Herders post and thought it was good. Who zapped the original? If not the writer, it can only be an admin.

I still don’t have an opinion on whether climate change is man made or not. I do believe if the action plan is left to politicians it will become a cluster f…

The entire issue would have had a better chance of credible acceptance if Al Gore never got involved in it.

Sounds like someone here has some time with NOAA!, been ‘watching’ a while… I finally retired from the outfit and now have to learn how to WORK again, ha ha. spent about 4 years up north there and yup, there is less ice nowadays, as for why… I think it’s just a natural cycle (read geologic history & etc). Though I generally didn’t ineract with those sci fi’s I know most of them are ‘believers’ in their work and just crunch numbers like they are taught and a great many of them are discouraged when their data gets politicized further up the chain. Now about those Ice Breakers: in this political atmosphere who wants to build a ship like that and then have congress (or one guy) close the north slope because ''there’s enough down here"?

[QUOTE=awulfclark;127515]When was it 96 in Seward? I lived there for a while and it struggled to get above 70.[/QUOTE]
I guess that was a rum driven embellishment. I looked back to 1977 and it was 80 degrees. My oiler almost had a heat stroke. The longshoremen sitting in the shade of the tank car while we were bunkering complaining about the heat!