Greetings All,
Wondering anyone, or Jim C., can clarify an issue for me. My radar cert runs out this month and I have a class lined up. I was just told by another PMI grad that our radar expiration is tied to our license date. Any info appreciated.
Your radar expiration date used to be tied to your license. As in, the expiration date was written on your license and the certificate didnt matter (we didnt even carry them then). With the advent of the mmc and the removal of the radar expiration from one’s license it now expires five years after the issue date on the certificate. Take the course…
Thanks Cap’, good advice regardless of the ruling! Stuck in the dog house at the moment, guess I should download the eCFR’s to my “phone”…
[QUOTE=Capt. Phoenix;68831]Your radar expiration date used to be tied to your license. As in, the expiration date was written on your license and the certificate didnt matter (we didnt even carry them then). With the advent of the mmc and the removal of the radar expiration from one’s license it now expires five years after the issue date on the certificate. Take the course…[/QUOTE]
Correct. The only chqange was the removal of the expiration date from the MMC (the endorsement is still put on the MMC). It still expires 5 years from the date of the course. You will need to keep it current with a couirse, and carry a copy of the certificate with you or otherwise be able to produce in a short time to prove you’re current. The radar observer endorsement is still on the MMC, so you wioll need to show it is current at the time you renew the MMC. If it has lapsed when you renew, you won’t get the endorsement on the MMC. In that case, it wobn’t be enough to carry a course certificate, you’ll need to apply for the endorsement to be added.
Thank you for the clarification, again!!
Just to clarify: you can renew your license without it. BUT, you will be restricted to vessels that don’t require RADAR. If you are renewing your license you must have the RADAR renewal prior to applying for your license renewal. If you DO renew without it, you will have to reapply and pay AGAIN for a new license issue WITH the RADAR certification.
So, If yours has expired, and you need to renew, get the RADAR prior to renewal so everything is kosher as far as your license goes.
If you are like me and have a license that is NOT concurrent with the radar expiration then it doesn’t matter. As long as you don’t go to work ON a vessel that requires RADAR. You just have to keep track of the expiration because the CG doesn’t tell you when/if it expired. It is up to you.
I see from your info page you are working on tugs. Since tugs REQUIRE radar, you MUST have a valid RADAR (either original or renewal) up to date and current at all times. They are only good for 5 years. So this means regardless of when the license was issued, you have to have a valid RADAR observer certificate. An expired one is useless (except to take a one day renewal versus the original 5 day course.) It seems your question is about renewing your license. Regardless of when your license was issued, the RADAR is only good for 5 years. you need to always have a valid (within 5 years) certificate. Neither ignorance or lack of knowledge is acceptable for not having one. The CG won’t cut you any slack. (nor should your company regarding your employment status. NO RADAR, no work)