I’m not sure this belongs in this forum. Although it is about a “mariner” it’s about someone far from “professional.”
I’ll reserve comment for right now. But I am curious what other Members thoughts are on this c.captain???
I’m not sure this belongs in this forum. Although it is about a “mariner” it’s about someone far from “professional.”
I’ll reserve comment for right now. But I am curious what other Members thoughts are on this c.captain???
If I had no other alternative but to choose between you and c.captain, I would not hesitate to go for the latter. c.captain is an experienced mariner who helps the community by sharing his judicious and conscious views in a colorful manner. Good night sir.
[QUOTE=Topsail;131538]If I had no other alternative but to choose between you and c.captain, I would not hesitate to go for the latter. c.captain is an experienced mariner who helps the community by sharing his judicious and conscious views in a colorful manner. Good night sir.[/QUOTE]
Thank you for that Topsail. I need say no more than that to you Mr. Wrench (or is it Ms.?) You are a very little person to try to make my manner the topic of discussion in a negative light and I have asked Mike to delete this thread which hopefully he will do soon.
Now good day to you as well…go tell a gangmember in your neighborhood to go eff himself or play with a loaded gun or something else useful now.
[QUOTE=Wrench;131537]I’m not sure this belongs in this forum.[/QUOTE]
Now, what do you think the answer to that question is?
The teeny tiny mouse that roared then piddled in my hand!
[QUOTE=Wrench;131537]I’m not sure this belongs in this forum. Although it is about a “mariner” it’s about someone far from “professional.”
I’ll reserve comment for right now. But I am curious what other Members thoughts are on this c.captain???[/QUOTE]
As much as he is caustic from time to time, he’s certainly not the only one. This is indeed a mariners forum, and everything else is second.
While I will never disparage anyone who served active duty for any length of time, it simply wasn’t for me. Spending 38 days on a Spruance class as midshipman was more than enough time to let me know I was never going SWOS after graduation.
Navy and Coastie mariners come from a totally different world and the military life via armed forces service is, IMO, almost irrelevant to the USMM and absolutely to the oil patch and inland industries.
I can say without hesitation that CC posts more thought provoking, eye opening ARTICLES (not opinion or rumors) on here than anyone.
He may be grumpy, but he is a professional mariner.
Never had a personal confrontation with him. I agree with some of his post and disagree with some. I will say he must be influential if someone has started a thread asking about him
I don’t care if the bank says you got a deed you still tresspassin round here…
CC is the embodiment of us mariners out here. He is a total asshole and I disagree with much of his delivery and some of his opinions…especially the recent thread regarding military pensions. However, I think we need someone like him on earth to create balance within society. I enjoy and loath the pointy stick combat that goes on here at gCaptain. If you don’t make any enemies in life then you didn’t have any fun! So I say let him run his fingers across the keyboard until he gets carpal tunnel! Bring the pain CC! Stay loose.
While I realize the question has been asked before, and that Mike and company have sided with him. I actually do agree with SOME of his posts. He does post interesting topics of discussion.
I applaude Mike and Crew for creating this website for Mariners, past and present. This site will be around long after c.captain. New Mariners come here for advice and recommendations, only to be greeted with criticism by some. While there are members on here who are old salt, they will eventually move on to the pasture and fresh blood will replace them. A site like this is a perfect avenue for them to gain insight for entry to the industry and recommendations throughout advancement. I only hope they see beyond the smoke and mirrors of a few.
This is pretty much how it is on all forums from car to motorcycles that I go to.
I agree with brjones. It’s a fact of life in forums. If everyone got along and agreed with each other, this would be a boring place. He brings good and bad to the table, just like everyone else on here. If a new mariner comes on here and asks a question that has been already beat to death in another thread, and can’t handle a little but of on-screen harassment, how will the survive in this industry? A lot of us on here try to be quick to help someone out on here even if it’s something that’s been covered, but if I had nearly as many posts as c.captain, I’d probably be sick of seeing the same question 100 times.
This is the occupational hazard of an anonymous forum. If we all had to use our real names on here there wouldn’t be half the rabble rousing, but there also wouldn’t be half the positive informational exchange either. After all, this is the internet, not real life. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and let it go. We’re all just as guilty as C.Captain of flying off the handle from time to time. I hate unions, C.Captain hates vets with pensions. Both have our allies and our detractors but at the end of the day we’re all in this together. Spend a little more time on here and you may find yourself backed into a corner right alongside C.Captain on an entirely different topic. The next day you two might be at each others throats again. So be it… Venting about this sort of thing is a useless waste of time. Just go about your business on the forum and look for the next debate to be had. There’s always a good one right around the corner.
Best of luck to all concerned!
[QUOTE=Wrench;131537]I’m not sure this belongs in this forum. Although it is about a “mariner” it’s about someone far from “professional.”
I’ll reserve comment for right now. But I am curious what other Members thoughts are on this c.captain???[/QUOTE]
My thoughts on this c.captain are 1. I don’t know how professional he is as I have not worked with him. I guess he has something going for him as he has survived. 2. On occasion c.captain may rub some sensitive souls wrong but many times he is just saying what a lot of others are thinking but don’t bother to post. It is just as well that I by neglect make him my unofficial proxy in many opinions because he is much more charming and diplomatic than I would be.
I like his posts, while I do sometimes disagree and have my differences in opinion. From what I can tell he is a solid mariner through and through, the kind of guy I like to sail with, and even better to slam some booze with. Probably a ruthless ball breaker.
Sometimes I wish we had more discussions on technical matter, like shiphandling, watchkeeping, vessel management rather than always bickering about the same old crap. I reckon that would help all of us have more constructive subject matter with less room for the big CAPS LOCK SCREAMING ON INTERNET DISAGREEMENTS!
If you get butthurt by an Internet post then going to sea may not be for you.
As said above its a anonymous internet forum, mostly professional and PC at that. If this was posted on Sailing anarchy your avatar alone would have created 40 some posts of “show us your tits and we will support your cause”, just google it for examples. I’m not sure on here but v- bulletin generally has a “Ignore” feature so if someone is very offensive to you, you “ignore them” in your user profile. When logged in nothing they post will show up.
With out full user profiles filled in for all we know “Wrench” could be “ccaptain” and today he is trolling with a case of the sads
SUYT is always the answer.
What was the question?
@ Wrench:
Go back down in the black hole you should be in. When I want something from ya, I’ll ring the phone. Until then, STFU.
Better than SUYT huh?
Seriously. CC has been around, making waves, and generally voicing his opinion on here for a while. He often says what’s on his mind. I support EVERYTHING he says and does for ONE reason.
That is, because when the chips were down, and the Government was considering a blanket allowance to allowing foreign workers into the ‘oil patch’ He got a post going, and lit the fire for about 20 comment letters to Congressmen/women to try to save EVERYONES jobs. Yeah, You read that right. NOT yours. Not mine. EVERYONES jobs.
Most of the commenters on here are full of hot air and BS. CC is a person who motivates. Yeah, sure sometimes he prods with the sharp end of a stick. But, in the end, he is FOR us, rather than for himself.
The opinions expressed on G Captain are our own. They are free. They don’t ‘cost’ you anything. Why are you bitching about the content? You didn’t pay for it. Pull up your panties, and go back down below. I’ll let you know when Crew change will be. Until then, stay out of my Wheelhouse.
I might not always like what he says, or how he says it. However it does give one hell of a shit about the profession as a whole, and has very good taste in wooden boats.
[QUOTE=Traitor Yankee;131594] very good taste in wooden boats.[/QUOTE]
And that my friend is a perfect example of an Oxymoron! ‘Very good’ and ‘wooden boat’ don’t belong in the same sentence!!!
Well what do I know, none of my shoes are old enough.