There are countless ways I could jump in here at this moment with all sorts of replies from the each end of the spectrum but frankly my dear… I really just don’t give a shit.
btw, how do they do that little trick with their tails anyway? Must be with levers, springs and wires I quess?
I have enjoyed reading most of c.captain’s posts but I do think at times he is a little over the top. I have seen this happen time and time again. All it takes is a Newb and or someone that disagrees with him.
As for banning him I would say no but he could calm it down a little.
[QUOTE=Tugs;75257]I have enjoyed reading most of c.captain’s posts but I do think at times he is a little over the top. I have seen this happen time and time again. All it takes is a Newb and or someone that disagrees with him.
As for banning him I would say no but he could calm it down a little.[/QUOTE]
btw, I hope everybody is able to take note of the restraint I am able to muster now? Those court ordered anger management electroshock treatments seem to be working…plus I can run a blender without even plugging it in!
btw…isn’t the term “Newb” just perfect? I mean, how can four little letters sum up more thoroughly the ignorance of someone?
Actually, Fraqrat is a good egg and deserves a better gift…I feel bad now for sending those. I hope he’ll let me take him to do some heavy drinking at a nasty dive bar somewhere where we can share a bottle or three of brown party liquors.
Earlie Cuyler: What did I tell you about drinking underneath the age, huh?
Rusty: You said if I could afford to bring back enough for you then you don’t care what I do. And it’s my body and I can kill it however I want to. And America’s about freedom.
Early Cuyler: son there was every chance in the world I was drunk when I said that it’s your welfare I care about…you know that money check we get every month…has it come yet?
He would only wear his keel hauling as a badge of honor.
Let him post to his hearts content. He is entertaining at times and the rest I can ignore. I certainly am big enough to not have my feelings hurt by him nor do I take any of it personally even though my alma mater is his favorite target.
Maybe a collection can be taken to make sure he gets his prescription filled every month though
[QUOTE=KPEngineer;75312]He would only wear his keel hauling as a badge of honor.
Let him post to his hearts content. He is entertaining at times and the rest I can ignore. I certainly am big enough to not have my feelings hurt by him nor do I take any of it personally even though my alma mater is his favorite target.
Maybe a collection can be taken to make sure he gets his prescription filled every month though ;)[/QUOTE]
I appreciate your offer to help with the cost of my meds, but can we extend that offer to cover the scotch as well? I am really most mellow and complacent when I am close to comatose. Hard to be biting and sarcastic when simple focusing is difficult but people have complained about the snoring tho.
On another note…I do not want to be keelhauled at all which was NOT a form of punishment used in Nelson’s Navy!. Been already “flogged through the fleet” though and it hurt. Got a bad booboo on my tender bottom. The worse punishment I have ever had inflicted on me was to be forced to attend a US Power Squardron “Change of Watch” dinner…NO MARITIME MAN SHOULD EVER HAVE TO FACE SUCH RETRIBUTIONS FOR PRIOR SINS (NO MATTER HOW EGREGIOUS) IN THEIR LIFE! THEY DID SKITS AND DANCED TO ACCORDION MUSIC! OH GOD…THE HORROR!
Then they made me stand up to be recognized but I thought what the hell, I might impress a babe…This was the hideous result! I had to lay down smoke to escape with my virginity intact!
(actually the one in the middle of this last shot was pretty hot for being 70 which they say is the new 50! Of course, why does the new 50 feel like the old 70?)
Do you people have any idea how much intense psychotherapy costs? Anyway, the injury lawsuit against the USPS is working its way through the courts. I expect to get millions! How can any jury let them off with such evidence! The trouble is that no award however sizable will ever erase those images.
I’ve been forced to consider this a number of times as c.captain I’m sure will attest to. Just never had the heart (or balls) to go through with it. I’ll just have to send him another nasty message the next time I get one I guess.
[QUOTE=Mikey;75315]I’ve been forced to consider this a number of times as c.captain I’m sure will attest to. Just never had the heart (or balls) to go through with it. I’ll just have to send him another nasty message the next time I get one I guess.[/QUOTE]
I certainly know that the USMMA Alumni Association has put out contract on me with the Great Neck Mafia. Now I can never sleep in the same place two nights in a row and need to check my car for explosives before I can drive it.