Not so 'steady' in AMO

I sincerely want to thank all of you that have participated in this thread, of whichever partisan stripe, for your service to the maritime community at large.

Your discussions here further reinforce the conviction to stay as far away from maritime unions as humanly possible.

[QUOTE=RespectMyAuthority;143630]So a news flash!!! Apparently this whole story on Don Cree is 100% WRONG!!![/QUOTE]

Why? Because Bethel said so?

[QUOTE=J Garfield;143671]Why? Because Bethel said so?[/QUOTE]

No AMO Plans took great offense to being used as a political football. Steve Nickerson Plans Administrator said so. I assume you won’t believe him but you will believe the other source that is incorrect. Your anger has blinded you. Once again, your mind is made up as to who you are voting for. I would say it was your mind was made up a long time before you even started this thread. I have been on the fence for some time and your tantrums won’t convince me who to vote for.

[QUOTE=RespectMyAuthority;143674]No AMO Plans took great offense to being used as a political football. Steve Nickerson Plans Administrator said so. I assume you won’t believe him but you will believe the other source that is incorrect. Your anger has blinded you. Once again, your mind is made up as to who you are voting for. I would say it was your mind was made up a long time before you even started this thread. I have been on the fence for some time and your tantrums won’t convince me who to vote for.[/QUOTE]

The AMO…

Lying to its members, stealing their retirements, and driving down deep sea wages since…

Well shit, since its inception.

When did a simple question become a tantrum? Bethel controls the benefits so it matters.

[QUOTE=Johnny Canal;143677]The AMO…

Lying to its members, stealing their retirements, and driving down deep sea wages since…

Well shit, since its inception.[/QUOTE]

Johnny, you are spending too much time on this forum reading the hatred from c.captain and Steamer. They are two old buzzards that will go down hating AMO until their last breath.

Just a bit of advice for you- Don’t always believe all you read on the World-wide interlink web. Some people tend to exaggerate when they write things here. Sometimes they even lie. Watch out for the tin-foil hat types who see a conspiracy everywhere. My guess is they may even believe some of the ridiculous things they say.

[QUOTE=J Garfield;143678]When did a simple question become a tantrum? Bethel controls the benefits so it matters.[/QUOTE]

I assumed you were up on things. My mistake, sorry if it wasn’t a tantrum. If you were up on things, you would have known where it came from.

So if benefits is controlled by Bethel, where to you think the original information came from? It was Plans maybe?

This information was misinterpreted by your preferred candidate. It was a simple mistake. It doesn’t need to be an end to him being a viable candidate but I think he should admit his mistake and move on. That would show that he is an honest guy not just a political hack. If he did that, he might even get my vote.

      • Updated - - -

[QUOTE=RespectMyAuthority;143679]Johnny, you are spending too much time on this forum reading the hatred from c.captain and Steamer. They are two old buzzards that will go down hating AMO until their last breath.

Just a bit of advice for you- Don’t always believe all you read on the World-wide interlink web. Some people tend to exaggerate when they write things here. Sometimes they even lie. Watch out for the tin-foil hat types who see a conspiracy everywhere. My guess is they may even believe some of the ridiculous things they say.[/QUOTE]

Eric Cartman, jr.:

My advice for you, don’t assume my AMO perspective is based on forum fodder.
It’s from my own experiences as well as fellow mariners who are ex AMHoers now at MMP, MEBA, OSVs, and drilling.

Good luck with your time in the SIU’s more evil twin.

[QUOTE=RespectMyAuthority;143679]Johnny, you are spending too much time on this forum reading the hatred from c.captain and Steamer. They are two old buzzards that will go down hating AMO until their last breath[/QUOTE]

don’t bring my name into this discussion…I have stayed completely on the sidelines throughout this thread and let all the rest of you bash each other senseless which I plan to continue to do now and enjoy with relish. I also know JC is a man with a well developed intellect who’s opinions are informed ones. He does not need me to know the truth of matters maritime.

[QUOTE=Johnny Canal;143688]- - - Updated - - -

Eric Cartman, jr.:

My advice for you, don’t assume my AMO perspective is based on forum fodder.
It’s from my own experiences as well as fellow mariners who are ex AMHoers now at MMP, MEBA, OSVs, and drilling.

Good luck with your time in the SIU’s more evil twin.[/QUOTE]

I base my opinion on 26 years with AMO, ex MMP, current MMP, ex OSV and ex drill people. Things change with all of them over time.

There are people who hate unions that I know who sail with AMO. The entire GOM hates unions period. If you listen and believe what they say, you wouldn’t get into a union at all.

How about this? I say people read and watch what they want to believe. The lefties watch MSNBC and the righties watch Fox News. They both buy the crap that each channel is selling. You buy the crap you believe from a different store.

c.captain- Sorry to wake you from your nap. The senior’s early bird special starts at 4PM.

The core issue appears to be financial management of AMO. Central to this is whether there is gross mismanagement of union funds and assets AND venal practices, e.g. hiring a live-in girlfriend at six figures in a position for which she has no credentials. It may not be illegal but it is not in the best interest of the union or its membership. It certainly represents self-interest over union interest.

[QUOTE=FirthofForth2;143695]The core issue appears to be financial management of AMO. Central to this is whether there is gross mismanagement of union funds and assets AND venal practices, e.g. hiring a live-in girlfriend at six figures in a position for which she has no credentials. It may not be illegal but it is not in the best interest of the union or its membership. It certainly represents self-interest over union interest.[/QUOTE]

The core issue of any election is to what is best for the future. While these allegations, if true, do indicate that Bethel wouldn’t be a good prospect for the future. Doell, on the hand, doesn’t present himself as a good prospect either. If a reporter can’t get the story straight with regard to Cree, that doesn’t speak well about his knowledge of the workings of the union.

Both Bethel and Doell are really just politicians. You can tell they are lying because their lips are moving. Anyone who believes that one side or the other is always correct, is completely delusional. That goes for Bethel supporters and Doell supporters as well as Dummycrats and Retardicans.

Charles Murdock, who seems to be considered a standup guy, has joined his candidacy with Doell, thus embracing and endorsing Doell. Presuming Murdock knows Doell well, the endorsement means something.

[QUOTE=FirthofForth2;143697]Charles Murdock, who seems to be considered a standup guy, has joined his candidacy with Doell, thus embracing and endorsing Doell. Presuming Murdock knows Doell well, the endorsement means something.[/QUOTE]

I agree that Murdock is considered to be a standup. But that doesn’t mean Doell is. I have seen too many AMO elections where standup guys joined forces with politicians who were good at blowing smoke up people’s ass to buy into that. What other choice did Murdock have? He could have run solo but running a campaign costs time and money. It helps to share the load. I don’t vote along party lines. Just because I will vote for Murdock, doesn’t mean Doell gets my vote.

[QUOTE=RespectMyAuthority;143704]I agree that Murdock is considered to be a standup. But that doesn’t mean Doell is. I have seen too many AMO elections where standup guys joined forces with politicians who were good at blowing smoke up people’s ass to buy into that. What other choice did Murdock have? He could have run solo but running a campaign costs time and money. It helps to share the load. I don’t vote along party lines. Just because I will vote for Murdock, doesn’t mean Doell gets my vote.[/QUOTE]

To your point about standup guys joining forces with politicians, you mean like the AMO officials who endorsed Bethel because they depend on him for income, or the former AMO officials who endorsed Bethel because they depend on him for their jobs?

[QUOTE=J Garfield;143741]To your point about standup guys joining forces with politicians, you mean like the AMO officials who endorsed Bethel because they depend on him for income, or the former AMO officials who endorsed Bethel because they depend on him for their jobs?[/QUOTE]

Some standup guys endorse Bethel in this election, no doubt. Some people are easily swayed. I was actually referring to earlier elections. I know some standup guys who endorsed a politician who would blow smoke up any place he could. He fooled many people in to thinking he was the greatest thing since sliced bread. This politician’s greatest talent was his ability to write his own press release. I sailed with this politician. While I may not have many talents, the one talent I have is the ability to see through a line of bullshirt. This politician had a line of it a mile long. What I am saying again, is that Bethel and Doell are both politicians with a line of b.s. You seem to have swallowed Doell’s b.s. hook, line and sinker.

My conjecture is that Murdock may win, supplanting Leonard. If Doell loses, it would be likely that Bethel will ignore Murdock’s win, hire Leonard as a consultant, maintain him in his residency and the de facto winner will be Leonard. Brilliant!

[QUOTE=FirthofForth2;143759]My conjecture is that Murdock may win, supplanting Leonard. If Doell loses, it would be likely that Bethel will ignore Murdock’s win, hire Leonard as a consultant, maintain him in his residency and the de facto winner will be Leonard. Brilliant![/QUOTE]

My conjecture is also that Murdock may win. If Doell loses, Doell retires and is not heard from again. Doell is no spring chicken. I think Doell sees it as his last chance at the brass ring.

My sources tell me that Rick Araiza is going to be running for office. Can anyone confirm this?

[QUOTE=J Garfield;143741]To your point about standup guys joining forces with politicians, you mean like the AMO officials who endorsed Bethel because they depend on him for income, or the former AMO officials who endorsed Bethel because they depend on him for their jobs?[/QUOTE]

I just read your guy’s reply on the Cree thing. Very weak. Just like I said, they are both politicians. Politicians never admit they were wrong. They just try to obfuscate things and then change the subject.