I turned in my application for unlimited master on the 26th of March and I decided to check status today. It has already been evaluated (which was very surprising), but the status was awaiting more info. They need a copy of my TWIC,…but that was the damn ID that I gave them when I got finger printed at the REC…and I had a copy with my application. Not sure if that copy was forwarded,… WTF?
Maybe they heard you were a butt Pirate sailing the seas of Cheese!!
I could only guess that comment has something to do with your eating habits while in Virginia.
I wonder if NMC just needs me to send a copy of my TWIC, or even a fax…guess I’ll ask Monday.
I had a similar issue in upgrading my 100T/NC Master to 1600T Inland Mate. However, Memphis REC requested a copy of my driver’s license, TWIC, social security card as well as a copy of my current license, and having to be re-sworn in at the local MSO. After my paperwork was sitting in Memphis for better part of a month; computers being down, forgot to send out, we need one of these and one of those, “IN TRANSIT” for another week, it made it to the NMC on April 6.
I found the following on the NMC web site circa April 3, 2009:
[I]“The Coast Guard will receive the information regarding the status of your TWIC application through electronic means directly from TSA. Once we have received the information that the mariner is qualified for a TWIC, we will print the credential and send it to the mariner. In the event the mariner is not qualified for a TWIC, we will notify the mariner that the credential will not be issued due to denial of the TWIC.[/I]”
Best of Luck!
Hey Anchorman, I guess getting a little of that brown stuff on your nose really works. I’ll have to try it. My application for upgrade was received March 10th & is still awaiting evaluation PQEB!
I was very surprised. I was assigned an evaluator and got evaluated the same day…and they didn’t even get my application till Monday and this was done that same Friday which was yesterday…
I was looking forward to getting an actual license after all of the hard work, but it looks like everything issued after the 15th will be the little red book MMC.
I submitted at the REC in Boston for upgrade to Master, March 30th. It is also still waiting to be evaluated. No question’s were ever asked about TWIC in Boston or since the 30th. I got a TWIC in December of 2007.