Navy Captain Faces Imprisonment in Fraud Scheme

[QUOTE=c.captain;182301]that IDIOT G.W. Bush[/QUOTE]

Maybe you have inside info or know him personally but I’ll probably take this guy’s word for it over yours:

George W. Bush is smarter than you

Just because he sounds like a country idiot when he gives speeches doesn’t make him stupid, and being a good public speaker doesn’t make one smart.

“Just because he sounds like a country idiot when he gives speeches doesn’t make him stupid” = Trump
"and being a good public speaker doesn’t make one smart." = Cruz


It’s funny to look at this from the outside.

[QUOTE=Kraken;182321]It’s funny to look at this from the outside.[/QUOTE]

I can barely imagine how this ugly spectacle must appear to the outside world…BEYOND PATHETIC FOR SUCH A ONCE GREAT AND POWERFUL NATION!

[QUOTE=Lee Shore;182314]“Just because he sounds like a country idiot when he gives speeches doesn’t make him stupid” = Trump
"and being a good public speaker doesn’t make one smart." = Cruz


I’m sure Trump is a very smart man, I don’t think anyone is claiming he’s not. That doesn’t mean he would make even a hallway decent president though.

EXCEEDINGLY SMART INDEED! enough to unilaterally declare nuclear warfare and launch a strike against his own party by saying he won’t support a nominee if it isn’t HIM by which I think we can all safely say means a narcissistic and self serving run as an independent guaranteeing a Democratic party victory! GENIUS! But maybe that is what “the Donald” has been after all along. Afterall many Repubes believe him to be a closet Democrat!

[B]First Read: Backing Away from the GOP Loyalty Pledge[/B]

by Chuck Todd and Carrie Dann

Broken promises

Back in September, when Donald Trump signed that loyalty pledge to the Republican Party with great fanfare, how many people really thought the promise would hold? Last night marked the moment when Trump formally dumped the pledge, saying when asked if he still respects his promise to back the GOP nominee: “No, I don’t anymore. No. We’ll see who it is.” John Kasich made moves to back away yesterday too, saying “If the nominee is somebody that I think is really hurting the country, and dividing the country, I can’t stand behind them, but we have a ways to go.” And Ted Cruz continued to go right up to the line again, reiterating the argument he made last week that he’s “not in the habit” of supporting people who attack his family. Look, we’ve already long since been past the point when any of the likely outcomes of the Republican convention result in a party that’s anything but split between the pro- and anti- Trump crowds. But yesterday is yet another date to circle in the history of the GOP’s identity crisis nonetheless.

Trump’s remarkable attempt to turn Lewandowski into an asset

Once again, it was a roller-coaster of a 24-hour news cycle with yesterday’s arrest of Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. Here’s one piece of this story that really struck us, though: Not only has Trump stood by - and vehemently defended - an aide now charged with battery, but Trump has essentially tried to turn it into an illustration of why he’d be a good leader. “I don’t discard people,” he said of not firing Lewandowski. “I stay with people, that’s why I stay with this country. That’s why I stay with a lot of people that are treated unfairly. And that’s one of the reasons I’m the frontrunner by a lot.” Setting aside the fact that he has in fact ended his relationship with two aides in this campaign already - Roger Stone and Sam Nunberg - AND setting aside the fact that much of his fame is derived from a show featuring the catchphrase “You’re Fired” - it’s really a remarkable way to approach an incident that in any other campaign would be an unquestionable liability.

Clinton takes aim at Trump in ad including footage from violent rally

It was only a matter of time until Hillary Clinton went straight at an argument about the GOP front-runner’s issues with civility and accusations of xenophobia. In a new ad airing in New York, Hillary Clinton goes there, contrasting an uplifting message of inclusion and diversity with the video of a Trump supporter cold-cocking a protester. (She doesn’t mention Trump by name in the narration, although an image of Trump’s logo appears.) “New York. Twenty million people strong. No, we don’t all look the same. We don’t all sound the same, either. But when we pull together, we do the biggest things in the world,” she says in the ad.

Rubio makes moves to hang onto his delegates

NBC’s Ari Melber has the goods on Marco Rubio’s efforts to hang on to the delegates he won in 21 states and territories despite having exited the race earlier this month. It’s up to each state to decide whether or not he can actually do that, but here’s why it matters: Rubio won a total of 172 delegates during his presidential run, a pool of support that would make up about half of the unbound delegates up for grabs between the end of the primaries and the convention in Cleveland. If Trump falls short of 1,237, he’d need to go fishing in that pool to try to make up the difference. A successful effort by Rubio to keep his delegates could reduce the overall pool of 323 unbound delegates down to as few as 151, making it harder for Trump to get to the finish line if he doesn’t have a majority by the end of the second week of June. And that makes a second ballot vote at the convention much more likely.

Anti-Trump forces spend big in Wisconsin

Just how high are the stakes for the anti-Trump crowd next Tuesday? The outside groups hoping to deprive Trump of a win have spent nearly $1.7 million on TV ads in the state, making the combined efforts of Our Principles PAC and the Club for Growth the biggest 2016 spending effort in Wisconsin so far. They’re spending about twice what either the pro-Kasich and pro-Cruz forces have shelled out to date, while Trump’s campaign itself has spent less than $400,000. It’s worth pointing out that big anti-Trump ad spending has ended in (expensive) heartbreak for the effort before - just look at the nearly $8 million shelled out to try to halt Trump’s win in Florida. But you’re also seeing some diversification in where the non-Trump Republican campaigns are spending in the effort to secure congressional district delegates, with Kasich going big in Milwaukee and Madison while Cruz is pumping more resources into the media markets in the northern part of the state. Here are the numbers, from our ad-buying partner SMG Delta.

But a pro-Cruz effort is taking its eye off the ball

We’ve written again and again that the anti-Trump efforts will have to be directed and unified if they’re going to have a shot at stopping him, and a circular firing squad is - well - not that. The pro-Cruz group Trusted Leadership PAC announced that it’s launching an ad in Wisconsin that accuses John Kasich of “holding out for a last-second shot at blocking out the grass roots.” Kasich has some decent institutional support within the state and could perform well in its urban areas and suburbs, places where Cruz has less of a shot of picking up delegates. Split the vote, and those delegates could end up on Team Trump.

And speaking of Cruz and Wisconsin…

Remember 24 hours ago when pundits were weighing how much Scott Walker’s expected backing of Ted Cruz would boost the Texas senator? It was a good morning for a Trump opponent, which - as we’ve learned from this campaign so far - made it almost inevitable that Trump would make something happen within hours to steal Cruz’s thunder. Now, in this case, it was the arrest of Corey Lewandowski that shook up the news cycle rather than an announcement (or just a bombshell tweet) wholly controlled by the Trump campaign. But it’s still another day that showed how limited the oxygen is for non-Trump candidates, even on days when they’d normally be at the center of the day’s narrative.



JAZUS KEERYST Fraq…don’t you have any new material?

btw, my guns are silent for the moment only because I am about to drive to Seattle to take delivery of my new vessel. Film at 5!

Your material is even worse! All you post are articles linked back to NBC (No Barak Criticism).

This is still my favorite that sums up our government wether left or right.

[QUOTE=Capt. Phoenix;182329]I’m sure Trump is a very smart man, I don’t think anyone is claiming he’s not. That doesn’t mean he would make even a hallway decent president though.[/QUOTE]
True. The entire scenario is depressing. Left wing, right wing, same lame bird crapping on your head.

[QUOTE=lm1883;182325]Democracy is ugly some times. Maybe you would rather not have it, seems that’s where we are going anyways.[/QUOTE]

There are democracy in other countries that actually work without the circus.

[QUOTE=ombugge;182348]There are democracy in other countries that actually work without the circus.[/QUOTE]

You can’t compare any other Democratic country in the world to the US and draw a valid conclusion. Definitely not any country in Europe.

yes the us is far too heterogenous and diverse to really be compared to anything else especially on the same scale.

[QUOTE=Fraqrat;182338]Your material is even worse! All you post are articles linked back to NBC (No Barak Criticism).

This is still my favorite that sums up our government wether left or right.

Yea, his supporters are funny. Mostly college students from what I gather, they think the evil 1% is going to pay for everything and that their own paychecks will never be touched. None of them usually have an answer for you when you ask what is going to happen when all the evil 1 percenters start leaving and take their tax money with them. They should raise the voting age to 25 so people won’t be able to vote till they are working real jobs paying all their own taxes. I can tell you what will happen when the 1 percenters start to leave, people in my range that are making over a hundred k but actually only seeing like 70 are going to start looking like the evil money hoarders to these people.
I even read a report by an economist that after everything is said and done most people will see a 10% decrease in net earnings, even if they don’t start fleeing and stashing their money in offshore accounts.

[QUOTE=cajaya;182358]Yea, his supporters are funny. Mostly college students from what I gather, they think the evil 1% is going to pay for everything and that their own paychecks will never be touched. None of them usually have an answer for you when you ask what is going to happen when all the evil 1 percenters start leaving and take their tax money with them. They should raise the voting age to 25 so people won’t be able to vote till they are working real jobs paying all their own taxes. I can tell you what will happen when the 1 percenters start to leave, people in my range that are making over a hundred k but actually only seeing like 70 are going to start looking like the evil money hoarders to these people.
I even read a report by an economist that after everything is said and done most people will see a 10% decrease in net earnings, even if they don’t start fleeing and stashing their money in offshore accounts.[/QUOTE]

You are one strange women. In one thread you are talking about the evil white folks that are keeping the minorities and women down, and here you are talking about the pesky poor people who wants to steal the money frome the 1% as it’s the worst thing in the world. Fact is that capital gains is taxed to low and the only people keeping up the state is the working middle class.

But every American is a billioner who haven got rich yet, and who wants to tax their future self.

[QUOTE=Kraken;182363]Fact is that capital gains is taxed to low and the only people keeping up the state is the working middle class.[/QUOTE]

They’d have a hard time getting a capital gains tax increase past the middle class. Maybe if they say all capital gains over a certain dollar amount or if your magi is greater than X ($500,000 married filing jointly?) then your capital gains tax rate is 35% instead of 15%.

[QUOTE=Kraken;182363]You are one strange women. In one thread you are talking about the evil white folks that are keeping the minorities and women down, and here you are talking about the pesky poor people who wants to steal the money frome the 1% as it’s the worst thing in the world. Fact is that capital gains is taxed to low and the only people keeping up the state is the working middle class.


It’s not really a race thing, more of a class thing…which usually goes hand and hand but not always. For instance, I wouldn’t say an immigrant from Croatia would necessarily be in the same boat, and men are going to be the same no matter what they are. I think its safe to say that some of my countrymen are probably more sexist than most Americans.

I think you are missing my point, I am saying that everyone should have the same opportunities for work and advancement, not that evil rich people are hoarding all the money and we need to tax them 90%. I think it would be fair for an equal tax rate for everybody but people in the bernie camp are not about that.

[QUOTE=cajaya;182371]I think you are missing my point, I am saying that everyone should have the same opportunities for work and advancement, not that evil rich people are hoarding all the money and we need to tax them 90%.[/QUOTE]

And to achieve that you need a robust government that can offer a good education to all the citizens not only the people who can pay their way through life. And the best person to implement the chances is Bernie Sanders he is at least not a complete moron like the rest of the candidates.

[QUOTE=Kraken;182373]And to achieve that you need a robust government that can offer a good education to all the citizens not only the people who can pay their way through life. And the best person to implement the chances is Bernie Sanders he is at least not a complete moron like the rest of the candidates.[/QUOTE]

it is nice to discover this forum isn’t completely filled with ignorant CRETINS!