[QUOTE=injunear;182379]We have an over-robust government that offers the moon and a vast majority that won’t get off their ass and EARN a practical education. A large percentage get a basket weaving degree and complain about student loans. I only have to look at my kids and older grandkids to see the the “haves and have-nots” and the producers an and non-producers. It sickens me to hear the latter’s excuses.[/QUOTE]
I partially agree with this. I wouldn’t say that absolutely all these Bernie supporters are necessarily poor, but most likely middle class that are upset about spending too much money on liberal arts degrees. The fact is, yes it is too expensive, BUT no one is forcing these people to go to college, OR to get liberal arts degrees. We have this thing called an occupational outlook handbook that the government publishes, anyone can look up the projected salary and job growth for whatever career they choose. I don’t see logically why someone would want to spend or get into debt for hundreds of thousands of dollars for a job that’s going to pay 30 or 40k. Just don’t get it at all.
On the other side of that coin, there’s this:
Big Gap in College Graduation Rates for Rich and Poor, Study Finds
and this
Poor Students Are The Real Victims Of College Discrimination
[QUOTE=cajaya;182378]Well, you got me there! I have to admit I am gonna have to get back to you on that.[/QUOTE]
Well, I have thought a little bit about it. So…some of my answer…what I said above. Maybe some degrees should be free, or less expensive but not all of them. Like ones that our society will actually need. These people are jumping on the Bernie bandwagon because they don’t believe that they themselves will pay anything at all. I don’t believe that for even a moment. I don’t believe that the one percent has enough money to sustain all that he talks about doing. It has already been estimated that the middle class would see a 10% decrease in net income. Basically the only people benefiting without paying more would be the people at the very bottom. Why should people who have struggled to get to where we are have to pay for the people that have no desire to even try? And believe me, I know people like this, who are waiting for someone like Bernie to get elected so they can get their handout, yet refuse to do anything about their situation!! Not even get vocational or job training!! And yes, there are free vocational and job training programs that are funded by the government.
Honestly, I don’t know about the history of the Scandinavian countries or how they came to be socialist but I can’t imagine that they came to be socialist overnight. What bernie sanders talks about doing is very radical. When Francoise Hollande imposed his millionaire tax in France, wealthy people started leaving the country in droves. Some of them sought citizenship in Switzerland and elsewhere. I don’t believe it’s a good idea to talk about huge radical changes like that all at once.
Furthermore, how is it that countries like Switzerland that are not socialist, still have great perks for all their citizens?
[QUOTE=Capt. Phoenix;182380]Don’t you mean countrywomen?
So wait, what country are you from?
I am really tired of taking the bait from you and that Tugs person. I think its safe to say that I’ve made my decision and you are both going on the ignore list.