Anybody know if the Murphy books are available in a digital format yet? I own them, but they’re at my house, and I’m in Japan, and they’re a little hard to come by out here. I looked around online and didn’t seem to see anything - thought I’d try you guys out.
lapware is the digital version
Yea i’m looking for a non-internet version I can use on the ship. Like a .pdf or something.
I know all of the questions are available on the CG website, and I have them, but the Murphy layout is so much nicer than 400 pages of randomness that is the CG layout.
There are a few optimized excel spreadsheets floating around that have the questions nicely organized. But, unfortunately, I lost the copies I had.
Your best bet would be to find someone taking classes at the STAR center and have them ask around. That’s how I got the files originally.
Whenever I was off watch and had an internet connection, I used lapware. If I did not have a connection, I used Capt.Joe’s. When I was stuck at the DP panel, I thumbed through the Murphy Books.
I’m sure you can get Captain Joe’s sent if you cover the shipping charges. has the option of downloading their database so you don’t have to stay hooked up to the internet. I think they charge about $30 and is pretty well organized.
[QUOTE=Azimuth;25975] has the option of downloading their database so you don’t have to stay hooked up to the internet. I think they charge about $30 and is pretty well organized.[/QUOTE]
I’ve never heard of them before, who are they? Have they been around a while?
THey have been around. go to and check them out. I have found them very useful in studying for any exam. They have the questions broken down by subject, not by license level though.
Shoot me your email address I have a couple pirated copies on my hard drive.
Yeah, Lapware is the only electronic version of Murphy’s I know of. I bought Capt. Joe’s Deck License Program to use on the ship when I don’t have an internet connection. It is the program they use in the self study upgrade room at the STAR Center. It is about 60 for the cd which is good for a year (calendar year I think). It is organized by subject and has tests and answer keys in pdf format that you can print out. You could also just write down your answers too and look at a key if you don't have access to a printer. It has tutorials for any problems you need assistance with. The reference materials for the tests are included in a file on the cd as well. Definitely worth the . The website where you can order it is
You can also try, it’s not as comprehensive as Lapware but it’s free and was developed by the same Cal Maritime cadet that helped us install this forum’s software.
Just a warning - I googled something like “capt joe uscg exam” followed where the links led and ordered the software. I just received it in the mail today and it was “Capt. Joe Lobo” NOT Murphy. My hope is that it is a good quality product - if it is I will let everyone know - if it isn’t I will certainly let y’all know as well.
I am trying to decide: lobo or lapware.
So Todd, how did you like the Capt Lobo stuff?
I’m going to bump this back up since I’m looking for them again. I’ll ask again, since its a couple years later - anyone know of a .pdf version of the Murphy books?
Todd, don’t worry. I have Capt Joe Lobo’s CD and it is a quality product. The questions are broken down by subject matter and there are tutorials as well.
Yea i’m looking for a non-internet version I can use on the ship.
Lap ware & Capt. Joe’s combined is the way to go…
I know they are except I’m at work without real Internet. Thought it was worth a shot - when I get home I’ll scan the damn things myself so we can solve this problem!
Tried sending you a pm I have the questions set up on a excel file. Tried to upload them to the forum but gcaptain won’t allow it. I’m willing to email them to you if you wanna take a look. Let me know.
Not sure how mariner advancement is for Mates, but the program is pretty much perfect for studying for engineer’s license. Comes on a jump drive and doesn’t require installation, so you can plug it into whatever computer you’re using and continue on with the questions. Has the option to hide the wrong answers as well. Might be worth checking out: