Okay, little bit of background here.
I worked on tugs for a little while, before heading off to the wonderful land of piney point maryland to attend the SIU apprentice program. Well, After the program, I kinda fucked up on my first solid paying job with less than a month to go before getting my relief and heading back to school to upgrade. That fuck up would be binging on cocaine in miami, followed by a drug test two days later. Well, the bigger fuck up comes a little later. I didn’t go to the unions rehabilitation program, or the “farm” as they like to call it. at the time, it seemed pointless. All this work, to get a c book and maybe have a shot at sailing again. The USCG officer I met with gave me the chance to go, and be able to sail again after a year of randomized drug tests. Well…I kinda fell into a dark place for a little while at this time. I became super lazy and unmotivated, and well, I started ignoring the letters the USCG was mailing to me. Eventually I received a letter that said my MMC has been revoked indefinitely. This all happened almost 2 years ago.
Recently, I have begun to seriously miss the sea. I thought I wouldn’t, I thought I would be ok and find something else, I’m in college now studying an interesting topic, but god dammit I miss sailing. Do I have any options? Please refrain from flaming me for I know very well the mistakes I made. Advice for anyone in the SIU program or going into the program: stay the fuck sober.