That little fit for duty card we all get that fits into the back of our MMC is about to expire for me. When you reapply for it is it just another Form 719k mailed to the REC to be forwarded to the NMC? Or does this go straight to NMC? This is the first time I am renewing it. Thanks!
[QUOTE=ShooterMcGavin;155438]Is there a fee for this?[/QUOTE]
No fee. Just write a good cover letter with all your information on it, attach the 719k, be sure to follow all the format instructions you get on the REC website and email it to a REC. Mine processed really quickly.
[QUOTE=ShooterMcGavin;155438]Is there a fee for this?[/QUOTE]
No. Only national officer and ratuing endorsements have fees. No fees for medical certificates, or STCW endorsements – the current fee reghulations were put out before these were issued, and haven’t been revised.
I got a new USCG physical in November for renewing my Medical Card, but went back to sea before I had a chance to send it in. Can I still use that physical? Would a January random drug test be recent enough, or do I need a new one? Is a drug test required for a Medical Card?
The Medical card is only related to the physical exam (CG 719K). The drug free certificate (or letter stating you are apart of the company’s random drug testing program) is altogether different and has to do with your MMC renewal.
[QUOTE=tugsailor;155458]I got a new USCG physical in November for renewing my Medical Card, but went back to sea before I had a chance to send it in. Can I still use that physical? Would a January random drug test be recent enough, or do I need a new one? Is a drug test required for a Medical Card?[/QUOTE]
I did not send in a drug test with my medical renewal, and the card took about 10 days to come back to me.
I do semi-annual drug tests on my own dime because you need a current one to work a lot of contracts. But I didn’t need to send one in this time.
[QUOTE=tugsailor;155482]Will the November physical be ok? Or is it too old now?[/QUOTE]
NVIC 04-08 seems only to address physicals in conjunction with an original license, credential or renewal (and those give you 12 months). I would imagine that you should still be ok to submit what you have. Can’t hurt- worst thing they’ll say is do another one (but I don’t think they will).
[QUOTE=tugsailor;155482]Will the November physical be ok? Or is it too old now?[/QUOTE]
I expect it will be fine. I believe the expiration date is 2 years from the date of the physical, not issuance of the card, so they shouldn’t really care if it’s a few months old.
[QUOTE=Capt. Phoenix;155490]I expect it will be fine. I believe the expiration date is 2 years from the date of the physical, not issuance of the card, so they shouldn’t really care if it’s a few months old.[/QUOTE]
The expiration date is determined by the “examination date.” From NVIC 01-14:
The Coast Guard considers the date of examination to be the date
that the Coast Guard approves the issuance of a medical certificate. It will not coincide
with the date the medical practitioner signed the form 719K or 719 K/E; nor will it
necessarily coincide with the issuance date of the medical certificate.