Jobs at Chouest

<P>Lee,<br><br>Do most of the majors require you to have an unlimited license? How hard was it getting your “foot in the door” with them? Myself and another Captain/DPO on watch with me have been looking at several companies. Have you heard of anyone getting in not having at least a 3m? Again, congrats & Good luck!</P>

Capt. Lee,<br><br>Any idea who I could contact regarding Mooring Master opportunities at either LOOP or other <br>operations? I recently attained my U/L Masters License. Good luck on your new job.<br><br>Shipmate 1

<P>Capt. Brian- It seems to me that most companies are requiring an unlimited license along with the DP gig. I have heard there are some good DP operators out there with out it, but I am pretty new to this. When I was applying for this position a 1600 ton master had applied also and it was said he had to have the unlimited license. If I hear of any I will be sure to let you know-<br><br>Shipmate1- I do not know anyone. I know there was a retired Loop mooring Master working at Delgado Community College teaching STCW classes. His name was Capt Jaz. I can’t remember the rest of it. An old dog. Him and another old timer there. They both had worked for Sealand at one time. He might have some info if you call the Marine Dept at Delgado. This was 3-4 years ago. I don’t know if he is still there or not</P>

Congrats on the new job and opportunities Capt. Lee. So after you get the sea time to get your UL will you be back to Chouest?

Who knows, but coming back is not part of the plan.

There was a plan? I just thought you got mad?!

I’m baaaackkkk. Just got off the first hitch Tuesday (28/14) and happy as can be. Was a great experience even though the storm (Ike) kinda had us standing by at sea, then a few days at the docks. Luck’d out and got on a fairly new boat. Crew was cool, food was good. Even got paid. Can’t beat that. Now taking my safe-gulf and rigging classes so I can do/earn a little more on the next trips. Feels good to be working again and it seems I did land at a reputable company. A few people grumbling ( but they keep showing up for the next hitch ). Working way the freak out in the gulf, it takes awhile to get in. I will be in the motel one more night and driving home after class tomorrow. After some sleep and “visiting” with the wife I will get some pictures posted, (of the boat, sorry perv’s).<br><br>You know it’s funny that no one mentioned the bow thruster… that’s the most God awful racket that I have ever heard and it is right under my bunk so I can get the full benefit. I have heard you get used to it… but, dang that’s terrible thing. I am going to be working real hard at getting my mates license if for nothing else than to get one more floor away from that thing.<br><br>Anyway, thanks again to everyone that helped along the way. I will catch up with the rest of threads soon. Peace.

Ah, bow thrusters. How fun. Brings back memories. My first supply boat quarters were right on top of that screaming M-effer.<br><br>I remember helping a guy edit his resume long ago at Tidewater. He gave me the original, which said he had extensive experience operating Bowel Thrusters.<br><br>I almost said nothing… but I couldn’t bring myself to let that go without an edit that probably got him a job rather than a funny look.

Hello Captain Lee,

I am new to this forum but have been working in the GOM for several years. I presently hold an AB unlimited but I am very interested in Chouest’s ROV company C-Innovations. Do you by chance know what the pay is like for an ROV technician? It seems from what the website states that a fella could move up quickly if you are worth anything. Any information would be greatly appreciated. In Fourchon right now and would give anything to work for a company of Chouest’s caliber. I have not applied with them but I am getting ready to; just wanting to get my foot in the door.

Hello Captain Lee,

I am new to this forum but have been working in the GOM for several years. I presently hold an AB unlimited but I am very interested in Chouest’s ROV company C-Innovations. Do you by chance know what the pay is like for an ROV technician? It seems from what the website states that a fella could move up quickly if you are worth anything. Any information would be greatly appreciated. In Fourchon right now and would give anything to work for a company of Chouest’s caliber. I have not applied with them but I am getting ready to; just wanting to get my foot in the door.

[QUOTE=BayouBoy;31089]Hello Captain Lee,

I am new to this forum but have been working in the GOM for several years. I presently hold an AB unlimited but I am very interested in Chouest’s ROV company C-Innovations. Do you by chance know what the pay is like for an ROV technician? It seems from what the website states that a fella could move up quickly if you are worth anything. Any information would be greatly appreciated. In Fourchon right now and would give anything to work for a company of Chouest’s caliber. I have not applied with them but I am getting ready to; just wanting to get my foot in the door.[/QUOTE]

Last year for working even time - jr techs about $65K; sr techs about $85K; supervisors $105K

Nope, Chouest is not hiring. There are NO boats being built at Gulfship at this time either. They are cutting WAY back… Get a MOTV Lic. Towboat companies ARE hiring…

GC is saving money to buy the Hornets Basketball team. $280 Million…in its entirety.

Chouest just hired a 500 T Master on Tuesday of this week.
He was hired by Laverne Reed and will be staying at my B&B this week to do the paperwork and physical.
Hope this info is encouraging to many looking for jobs.
Another guy was hired by Hornbeck last week as an AB.

[QUOTE=Shiphead;32316]Nope, Chouest is not hiring. There are NO boats being built at Gulfship at this time either. They are cutting WAY back… Get a MOTV Lic. Towboat companies ARE hiring…[/QUOTE]

Entirely False… I didnt get the impression that they were cutting back at all. Even saying they are treading water might be a stretch. They have hired a few guys in the last couple of weeks. They hired me just to have me and will have to make room for me somewhere. They also hired a 1600T master for Brazil. There was also a Captain job open in a seismic boat last week, but this may be the same opening filled by the guy they sent to Brazil, I’m not sure. There have been a few new guys join the team in the past few weeks.

The impression I got from my short interaction with ECO is they they have a great big picture view of the industry. If they see the kind of guy they really want to hire, they wont let him get away. They are big enough that they can afford to hire a few guys here and there that they may not need at the time just to secure a quality workforce in the future when things improve. If you are professional and a go getter willing to take a temporary step down from what you might be used to and willing to go the extra mile, you stand a good chance of getting hired by ECO whether they are hiring or not. (Of course this is just my opinion, I could be wrong.)

As for saving money to buy the Hornets… I dont think he needs to save money. He has been negotiating for over a year on that deal. This was a cash in hand deal that has nothing to do with ECO.

Hey how’s It going I wanted to ask how it is working for Edison Choest I have had a lot of guys tell me the write you up alot and most time for no reason had one capt tell me he was let go for not doing so and told them that why would he write them up for doin their jobs is this true.

If some one got let go there for no particular reason, believe me, there was a reason. I worked for them a long time and they do not like to let valuable employees go especially Captains or Chief Engineers.

Congratulations Tx Kingfisher,Looks like hard work and persistance pays off !

Glad to hear about your good fortune

When things are bad sometimes you have to make your own luck

Thanks Capt. Leigh! You aint lyin about having to make your own luck in this economy! hahahahaha I pounded the docks so damn hard this past month I wore a groove in the planks! I had to step down from Master to AB but I aint to proud to scrub a toilet… They are gonna send me to the harbor tugs in July (if I still want to go then) so I can get a towing endorsement. And from what I understand the next Relief Capt or Mate position (within the scope of my license of course) is mine. I think my willingness to work as AB to get my foot in the door went a long way tith them too. It’s all about attitude! (and ability too…)

your not the only one willing to scrub to get with the right company, AB here I come…see you this summer. I start in June :). Might never want to go offshore again if these tractors are as bad ass as I think they will be.