This question is for Capt. Lee. Hows the job market at Chouest. Has the down turn affected there hiring. <br>I run a liftboat and have a 1600 Oceans and I was thinking of changing the type of boat I run. Liftboats are alright but I feel I need a change.<br>I have seen Chouest schedule of 28 and 14. Do they have 14 and 14. I like to spend as much time with my family as possible. <br>Does Chouest still have the 2 liftboats they built. I heard they were selling them. Any knowledge of this or them building any more.<br>I look forward to hearing from you.
I have not seen any affect on a downturn. I have been in the shipyard for 7-1/2 weeks and we had 5-6 Captains onboard during most of it. 3 of the Captains were new guys training to fill spots on here when a new 348’ Anchor Handler comes out 6-8 months from now. I tell you this so you can see how proactive this company is. They know they are losing three guys from one vessel that have all been on that vessel for over 5 years. Now the guys training are not training Captains, but they are receiving a familiarization that most companies do not allow. The main schedule here is 28 and 14. There are exceptions, but that is the standard. Chouest does still have their liftboats. The Hawk and Eagle. They are both on jobs at the moment, but I did hear a rumor about Chouest selling them. Nothing solid or reliable, just a rumor. I feel good about the future here at Chouest. They are building vessels left and right. They have a shipyard in Larose, Gulfport, 2 in Houma and one in Brazil and they all have vessels currently under construction. There are boats to be built for the drilling about to begin in Alaska and I think that is going to be big. I have no hard numbers but they have not stopped building boats since I have been here going on 10 years. They are the industry leader with ISM. They just started their ROV company CI C-Innovations and have big plans of offering their vessels with an ROV as a package deal. I could go on and on. I am very optimistic about our future here at Chouest, for me and the company.
Thanks for the reply. I am thinking of changing jobs. Is Chouest still hiring. Would you know what the starting pay for a 1600 Master w\Oceans. Like I said, I have been running liftboats and the change in type of boat will get some used to.<br>Also, do the boats have any exercise equipment. I like to try to stay in shape. I’m not getting any younger.
Ok Capt Lee, <br><br>I have a job app for Chouest to be an assistant engineer(3rd a/e unlimited horsepower). I have a couple of different opportunities, but after reading all the posts (2 threads and counting) I really like the sound of your company. One out-there question: Would it be possible to get the transfers for a Tankerman PIC on the OPDS system?.
JackupCapt-I would say starting pay would be at least 500 a day or North of that for your license. Some boats do have exercise equipment, but on most vessels it is peoples’ personal equipment. I have a Stationary bike, dumb bells and a jump rope. I also have and extra 30 pounds since I quit smoking a year ago. Once you get settled in on a permanent vessel you could see about bringing something onboard.<br><br>Exsubguy-The short answer is Yes. It is possible. Also, the military is extremely pleased with the performance of the new OPDS and it is likely they are going to exercise their options for some more OPDS vessels. So get on and keep you ear to the ground. This company is all about being in the right place at the right time, with the right documents and ability.
Jack-up capt. I have a 200 ton license and work on 200 ton crew boat. I’m also looking at some thing different. What’s the pay like on jackups? What’s the make up of the crew–do they have two capt., an engineer, qmed and 2 deckhands? Does the crew work a typical 12 to 12 watch? Any thing you can tell me would be appreciated.
Jack-up capt. did you work in Nigeria around 94-95 for Setco-Forex (Schumberger)?
Hey guys! I went to Chouest and they told me that they arnt hiring any body rite now ok but then I asked them when they was gonna hire people and they told me that they dont no so good luck and I hope that that helps yall out by
<P>Job openings? I have been searching for a couple of months now for an Ordinary Seaman position (no experience). I have my MMD os/wiper/sd, TWIC, STCW BST, driver’s license, passport, etc., etc. Of all the companies that I have applied too I want a position at Chouest the most. Any advice on breaking in there? I have filled out applications, sent a resume, sent copies of documents, called, you name it; I have tried it. Still no openings. Are there no openings or are people with experience passing me by? Anyone employed there need an OS? Pull a string for me and I will be the hardest working fool you ever did see. Me worky long time. I am holding out for Chouest, but I don’t want to go broke waiting, any input on the coming job market?</P>
<P>Don’t be scared to get a job, you can always upgrade to a better company and you will get some experience. And you won’t go broke!!!<br><br>good luck</P>
Drive to Galliano, park in the big parking lot behind 16201 East Main St., and walk into the reception area and ask for Justin Getzinger, one of the recruiters there. Leave him a courtesy voicemail advising him what day you’ll be there, and then show up and have your best foot forward.
Unless you have a 3rd eyeball in the middle of your forehead, you’ll most likely get some better play being there live, and in person.
On second thought, don’t worry too much about the 3rd eyeball, we’ve got a guy here that looks like Shrek…so you and your 3rd eyeball shouldn’t have any problems…
Good Luck!
***Thanks for catching that Mrolnick…I was a key off…
His last name is Getzinger. No doubt that El Capitan’s advice is right on. Showing you are serious about wanting the job goes a long way.
There are other companies in the Gulf paying their deck hands more than Chouest and with equal or better benefits. Don’t limit yourself and show up in person as everyone else has said. I couple of the young folks on the neighborhood had no trouble getting a job recently and their qualifications were no better than yours.<br>Good luck.
<P>tengineer, what companys do you recomend? I am looking myself. I have sent lots of resumes and applications out and havent had alot of response. I’m a 100 ton master 200 ton mate both near coastal with unlimited radar.</P>
Thanks for the advice. Gustav is going to be in my way on the “drive down theory”. What is the best timing scenario that I could have following the storm and them sending vessels back out to work? For example… Gustav comes ashore on Tueday and blows thru… What morning should I arrive? Is there a chance that they put me right to work, and if so, what gear should I bring. I have been working with Laverne Reed there…OK to jump ship and start talking to Justin? Now I am so psyched I won’t be able to sleep until Gustav gets the 'ell out of the way. By the way I am much better looking after I have been drinking, but I will show up sober and take my chances. Thanks again…if nothing else, thanks for the optimism. The harder you work… The luckier you get.<br><br>P.S. If you see a short stocky white guy wandering around looking lost… put him to work.
“what companys do you recomend?”<br><br> I don’t recommend any company specifically. The neighbors’ kids work at Hornbeck and GOL, I think. Chouest is OK and still growing; Candies has a good reputation. Oceaneering is well thought of by many. GOL is an up and coming company. Seacor and Tidwewater are still operating in the USA and other countries.<br>There’s not a tremendous amount of difference in any of the major companies as far as I’ve seen. Besides you’re not signing a lifetime contract. They’ll tell you you are an “employee at will.” You do your work, they pay you and you go home. They like you, you like them you come back and do it all over again . It’s the oil bidness! <br>Keep at it, show yourself at the offices and you’ll eventually get hired. I haven’t talked to a single company representative or owner that has enough intelligent people who want to work and learn. You convince them that is what you are and you’ll get a job eventually. <br>Good Luck
<P>Tengineer… What is the full name of GOL? Been trying to find on the net and not showing up in any searches. I have my heart set on Chouest but I apply everywhere…but I have not heard of GOL yet?<br><br>I understand the “eventually” part. I am just anxious to get to work. I have been chasing down all the things that “they” say I need for the last several months…MMD, TWIC, STCW, passport, I have acquired enough acronyms to choke a horse… now I have all (supposedly), and damnit, I am ready to go to work.</P>
Gulf Offshore Logistics. They work 14 on 14 off. Not a bad start-up company. They pay well too.<br>
If you started with Laverne Reed, stick with Laverne Reed. She is straight up, and if you’re serious, and have your act together when you get there, she’ll give you every opportunity she can at the moment. Everything else remains the same.
IMHO, what you’re looking for right now is experience, and the opportunity to advance limited only by the timing of your next document, or license. Go where the opportunity exists. Chouest, Hornbeck, Otto Candies, Seacor, Tidewater…etc, in other words companies with a substantial amount if boats, venues, and variety. Know the in’s and the out’s of every single advancement and license opportunity before you between now, and the time you’re crusty enough to retire. Don’t take it at face value when someone tells you you have to wait blahblah days, when you know the CFR’s say XXX days.
Show up at the door, and show them how much of an asset they’re missing out on.
<P>El Capitan… will do. What about the time frame for sending vessels back out and such after the storm. I want to show up at the best time to go to work, not be in the way. Any thoughts on the possibility of going to work when I get there? Just trying to time it right… I know people have more pressing things to think about with the storm and all… but it would be good to be there at the right time if they need help.<br><br>By the way, I have applied at all of the above companies… I know it takes time but I don’t want to sit back on my laurels. To much wait is what broke the wagon down. And believe me… I read the CFR’s on the license requirements… I am all over the finding my way up. It’s interesting to me that companies want OS’s with experience, but it only requires 180 days seatime and a couple of classes to upgrade to AB so it appears that they are looking for unmotivated people??? I would think enty level you come in with a blank slate and they train you like they want you and you move up from there in the company if they like what they see, or else you go to another company “with your experience”. Anywho, thanks for the advice. Ms. Reed has said she would like to hire me so if I can show up when they need people… I don’t give up easy so chances are I will see you around soon.</P>