Couple questions

What is the best days to walk into Hornbeck and Chouest for employment. Also I hold a 500 ton master with no ITC. I am making over 500 a day right now. Will either one of these companies pay this without DP or 3000ITC? I hear that there crew changes are just about always on time and they stay on a 28 and 14 schedual year around


I was thinking maybe quest is your new supply boat companies paying ABs 550 a day

You need to get your 3000 ITC first before you even need to bother talking to them.

HOS will start you $425 but after you get you DP you will be at around $700.

Chouest will start you out at what ever the base pay is, over $500 though.

Do you have any OSV experience that’s what they are really looking for.

[QUOTE=c.captain;92234]It’s CHOUEST you FOOL![/QUOTE]

Wow , I am a fool because I did not spell Chouest right?

[QUOTE=Jemplayer;92249]You need to get your 3000 ITC first before you even need to bother talking to them.

HOS will start you $425 but after you get you DP you will be at around $700.

Chouest will start you out at what ever the base pay is, over $500 though.

Do you have any OSV experience that’s what they are really looking for.[/QUOTE]

I have been running 200 ft 4 point anchor boats the last 3 years. Have not worked supply since my crew boat days.

[QUOTE=skinny stick;92344]Wow , I am a fool because I did not spell Chouest right?[/QUOTE]

If the foo shits wear it!

Last I heard Oceaneering was paying 4 point Captains very well, more than DP captains.

[QUOTE=skinny stick;92344]Wow , I am a fool because I did not spell Chouest right?[/QUOTE]

Don’t pay him any mind he is just a “warped frustrated old man”….Seems like the thing to post during the Christmas Season! “Merry Christmas Bailey Building and Loan!”

HaHa you pathetic little man

Mr. Potter: [to George Bailey] Look at you. You used to be so cocky. You were going to go out and conquer the world. You once called me a warped, frustrated, old man! What are you but a warped, frustrated young man? A miserable little clerk crawling in here on your hands and knees and begging for help. No securities, no stocks, no bonds, nothin’ but a miserable little $500 equity in a life insurance policy.[Potter chuckles]

Mr. Potter: You’re worth more dead than alive! Why don’t you go to the riffraff you love so much and ask them to let you have $8,000? You know why? Because they’d run you out of town on a rail. But I’ll tell you what I’m going to do for you, George. Since the state examiner is still here, as a stockholder of the Building and Loan, I’m going to swear out a warrant for your arrest. Misappropriation of funds, manipulation, malfeasance…[sees George runs off]

Mr. Potter: All right, George, go ahead! You can’t hide in a little town like this!

Don’t let C.Captain mess up the holiday season.

Here is proof that he really is a softie at heart:

[QUOTE=“skinny stick;92345”]

I have been running 200 ft 4 point anchor boats the last 3 years. Have not worked supply since my crew boat days.[/QUOTE]

Oh hell man you’re all set, go talk to Chouest and find a sweet AHTS gig making some serious change.

As long as you have some oil field experience you’re golden.

Hey Stick, Don’t let the ‘‘Sea God’’ aka C.Captain bother you. He is just a old man nearing the end of the line. He has always been very quick to belittle and ridicule.

“Sea God”?

Careful, C.Capt might like the title.

Hey C.Capt - found a new avaitar for you to go with the moniker. Even has a pointy stick.

Hey Skinny - Sorry for the derail. Sometimes we just can’t resist the urge to return fire on our favorite curmudgen.

[QUOTE=Jetryder223;92641]Hey C.Capt - found a new avaitar for you to go with the moniker. Even has a pointy stick.

Hey Skinny - Sorry for the derail. Sometimes we just can’t resist the urge to return fire on our favorite curmudgen.[/QUOTE]

Sorry but Lcdr. Quinton T. McHale, USNR is my go to man now and for decades to come. Ernest Borgnine might have passed but McHale’s Navy lives on forever!



Oh little man so spick and span, where were you when the shit hit the fan?

[QUOTE=c.captain;92651]Sorry but Lcdr. Quinton T. McHale, USNR is my go to man now and for decades to come. Ernst Borgnine might be dead now but McHale’s Navy lives forever![/QUOTE]

Ah, you messed me up C.Capt.

After posting, I re-read my entry and it thought it was dumb so I deleted it. In the time it took me to read & delete, you tagged and replied.

You don’t miss a thing, do you? Do you EVER turn off your computer?

Oh, and here is a repost of the dumb Sea God pic I found:

[QUOTE=Jetryder223;92656]Ah, you messed me up C.Capt. I posted that, re-read it thought it was dumb and deleted it. In the time it took me to delete the post, you taged it and replied.

You don’t miss a thing, do you? Do you EVER turn off your computer?[/QUOTE]

remember that THE C.Captain knows all, sees all and tells all!

ps…don’t get me wrong! I like the SeaGod and his pointy trident. I think wearing green rubber is awesome and if you know any sexy ladies who like a man in green rubber kindly send them my way. I’ll pay you a finder’s fee if you do!

[QUOTE=c.captain;92657]. I think wearing green rubber is awesome and if you know any sexy ladies who like a man in green rubber kindly send them my way. I’ll pay you a finder’s fee if you do![/QUOTE]

I know one in New Orleans that would be down with that, but she will charge you by the hour!!!

[QUOTE=c.captain;92651]Sorry but Lcdr. Quinton T. McHale, USNR is my go to man now and for decades to come. Ernst Borgnine might be dead but McHale’s Navy lives on forever!


Thanks for posting this video. I had never seen it before but I sure as hell love the show!