One of my friends who works for HOS tells me that they came out with 50 dollar raises for all officers. Can anyone confirm? I hear Chouest came out with 100 or 150 a day raises for officers.
No confirmation here on the Hornbeck Raise, but to clarify: Chouest increased pay for Masters and C/E’s by $100/day, and instituted a $25/day differential between relief C/E Relief Master, and another $25/day for Thirds. Still looking forward to the market competition and how it will play out in the last month and into the 1st quarter of 2012.
Yep that’s what they got… Kinda low if you ask me.
Where does that Put Hornbeck Capt’s and Engineers at for the Daily Rate?
So what does that differential mean exactly?
Chouest increased pay for Masters and C/E’s by $100/day
Does anyone happen to know what crew boat Captains make vs. OSV Captains for Chouest now? Did the crew boat guys get the full $100 a day as well?
[QUOTE=Capt. Schmitt;58042]So what does that differential mean exactly?[/QUOTE]
Captain $X (pending on what type of vessel), Relief Captain is $25 a day less, Third Man is $25 a day less than that.
[QUOTE=Knots;58044]Does anyone happen to know what crew boat Captains make vs. OSV Captains for Chouest now? Did the crew boat guys get the full $100 a day as well?[/QUOTE]
Dont know about the crew boat guys what they got, but the OSV and anchor boat guys are covered in this thread;
[QUOTE=SoCalSalt;58022]Where does that Put Hornbeck Capt’s and Engineers at for the Daily Rate?[/QUOTE]
Anyone got an answer for this? Better yet, what’s the pay for all positions at Hornbeck?
back to the top…
No confirmation here on the Hornbeck Raise, but to clarify
[B]Heres 8 employee reviews from Hornbeck on [U][/U] [/B]
There are plenty of companies to search on this site, more offshore and maritime folks adding info too.
what about AB’s
Less than HOS.
AB Unlimited 260-295 if template is fully maxed out
thank you very much
so so
For Chouest - What are the rates for 3rd, 2nd, and lead captains (Supply/1600) in GOM and what about Brazil? Anchor boat differential???
I know a 1600 lead Capt. with DP on a crew boat for Chouest that works international. He just got bumped $50 to take him just over $400. Hasn’t worked for them for too long though.
Hornbeck is once again the company of choice. Some positions are getting 200+/day increases. They have matched AND beaten in most cases all of the competitors, including the Harvey Gulf rumors. They have 16 new boats being built and are hiring quality mariners. Suggestion: if you’ve bounced around and have multiple recent jobs, don’t waste your time applying. They weed out the ones that merely chase a dollar.
Any word on mate pay? With dp and without. Thanks