Must be more than 200 to beat what some others just gave…
It’s good for all of us when pay is pretty even.
Company of choice??? You have to be expected to suffer a >200 dollar a day pay deficit, have shitty benefits and NOW when they bring the pay up all is forgiven? Sounds like it is the company of choice … to depart from!
I don’t know where you’re getting your info about benefits, but they’re pretty good…
[QUOTE=cappy208;67968]Company of choice??? You have to be expected to suffer a >200 dollar a day pay deficit, have shitty benefits and NOW when they bring the pay up all is forgiven? Sounds like it is the company of choice … to depart from![/QUOTE]
Not really sure what you mean by shitty benefits, I’ve worked for companies that can’t come close to the benefits package they have here
To be quite honest, it’s nice to be able to walk in to any doctors office you like and tell them you have Blue Cross and Blue Shield Highmark.
On top of that they have short/long disability, dental, vision, 401k match, travel compensation the list is actually quite impressive and only an idiot would “depart” with the new rates.
The fact of the matter is, Hornbeck raised the bar. U mad?
Don’t waste your time. Some people are misinformed about benefits. There is no perfect company out there. It comes down to finding the perfect ratio of benefits and pay that’s right for you. I’m happy with our raises. I was happy before. I didn’t go to college. If you told me 5-10 years ago we would be at these day rates I would have laughed. I don’t know any one at home with two masters degrees making what we make out here. I hope people are smart enough to put a little back for the inevitable downturn.
Something to watch is how the cost of benifits is shifted with the new raise. Don’t just watch the hand full of dollars…Geeze…why does this dark cloud keep following me!lol!
If pay were the only consideration, there are plenty of companies paying a higher day rate. When you take into account the total package, I haven’t found one better than Hornbeck yet. I feel for all the sorry saps that jumped ship last week chasing a buck. Gonna suck to grovel back and beg for your job back and lose all of that seniority…
Congratulations to all of you Hornbeck guys on your Raises today… Well deserved I’m sure. I look forward to listening to you all complain when Hornbeck starts the next round of layoffs…
First thing mentioned was we didn’t take out of one hand an put in the other to give you a raise. No change in existing benefits what so ever. If insurance does go up next year it was gonna happen anyway with the whole Obamacare thing. Other companies that pay all insurance have brand x policies more times than not.
Layoffs happen in all segments of the industry at different times. When it happens to someone you can’t fault them for griping about it. No company is or can be immune to layoffs.
With 16 new boats coming out, I don’t see to many layoffs…
with the option for another 16…
From your mouth to God’s ear!!!
they actually have more options for more than 16…more like 48 if they were all exercised.
I interviewed at both HOS and ECO not too long ago and Chouest did have a better benefits package.
Not sure why everyone is all wound up over the HOS raise, all I have to say is it was long overdue to those who stayed loyal. That’s coming from a guy who picked ECO. I had my reasons but that doesn’t mean it’s the best fit for everyone else.
Congrats guys, let’s hope it lasts for us all.
Where does that Put Hornbeck Capt’s and Engineers at for the Daily Rate?
You think if another spill happens they won’t lay you off because their building boats? Better think again…
[QUOTE=power230;68011]You think if another spill happens they won’t lay you off because their building boats? Better think again…[/QUOTE]
Back in the early '80s there was a big new-build program and bust. Nothing surprises me after that!
McCain could get his way finally and repeal the Jones Act and a bust is always around the corner. I hope all the young guys save some of their money. Layoffs are part of the game sometimes. As I stated earlier at some time or other no company is immune.
Didnt this company lay off 300 people right around Christmas 2010?
Yep. I was furloughed 4 days before Christmas 2010, and laid off in March. I’m now very happy at ECO.