Job hunt update

Hi Folks,
Looks like I’m “on the list” at ECO in the tractor tug division - not sure exactly what that means, but it’s better than not being there I guess. Just finished filling out the Harvey Gulf International online application ( another non-secure server gamble with identity theft…) and am wondering if anyone can share any info about them. Looks like they have really nice equipment…

Nice going MT…It sounds promising…

Hope so, another week and I start filing for unenjoyment…

mtskier - Good luck with your apps! I’ve seen some of the Harvey equipment working out of Port Fourchon, and the equipment looks good. Don’t have any first hand knowledge or stories, though. ECO appears to also be a good choice.

What kind of John Deere equipment are you running? I’m home right now, and having a great time using my JD garden tractors to keep the place up. The rule of thumb is one tractor per attachment. :slight_smile:

A little 120C excavator.