I popped in on a meeting today at Mid Atlantic Maritime Academy and apparently they’re looking for Unlimited Masters/Chief Engineers for Instructor spots in Virginia Beach, VA. I don’t have any of the particulars but if anyone is interested give Capt. Cathleen Mauro or Barbara Lester a call at 1-866-775-8382 or fax a resume to either at 1-757-464 2287.
Ya I’ll second that, they’re really trying to gear up an Engineering Course, and they’re a great outfit at least from the student prospective. Hey Doc I’m gonna be there all next week taking Tankerman PIC, just ask for the Submariner if you’re around.
That’s great. I think Capt. Jim Miller will be teaching that one, and I’ve always heard he runs a great program. You’ll also get the first crack at the new Liquid Cargo Simulator Lab. I’ll be teaching Electronic Navigation all week. See ya there.