Going to apply for my MMD today

Going to apply for my OS-MMD at NYC Rec. What should I expect? Is it just turning in paperwork and getting fingerprinted? Or is it like an interview too?


I haven’t been to NYC Rec but NO Rec, pick a number wait your turn, submit your docs and money, have a seat and wait to be fingerprinted. If you don’t have a job already make a point to network with others while you wait. Best of luck to you.

Just an FYI,
You can now make appointments online for most of the REC’s at http://www.uscg.mil/nmc/rec_information.asp .I don’t know if it’ll help any but you might be able to tell how busy an REC is.

thanks guys! i had made an appointment for 12 0’clock. The most waiting i did was the 20 minutes up until 12, because I got there early. They called my name right at 12, I handed in my documents, got fingerprinted and was out of there by 12:30.

This was my first experience with any REC, so I don’t know how it usually is, but I strongly recommend making an appointment. I was amazed out how quickly they took care of me while other guys who were there before me were still sitting in the waiting room when i was leaving

got my mmd middle of last year at the miami rec, in and out in 10 minutes NO appointment, guess i hit the right day, friday at 8 am

My experience, last month, at the Seattle REC was <1 hour without appointment, at lunchtime. (It took me longer than that to find parking and walk to and from the buliding.)