I have seen Global is advertising on RigZone and was wondering what people have to say about working for them. They seem to have some nice vessels but I know very litte if anything about the company.
I have seen Global is advertising on RigZone and was wondering what people have to say about working for them. They seem to have some nice vessels but I know very litte if anything about the company.
A friend is working over there as an AB on one of their large dive boats, and is quite happy.
I heard the Global 1200 is coming to the Gulf. So they are looking for U.S. crew, but from what I have heard, Global is not hiring directly. I think at this time, it is through Alliance Marine.
I knew some people who worked on the Global Orion and it is about a 50-50. Some say good, some say bad.
I know some people that work there and they are happy. Their pay is very competitive!!!
[QUOTE=dirwood;52689]I have seen Global is advertising on RigZone and was wondering what people have to say about working for them. They seem to have some nice vessels but I know very litte if anything about the company.
[B]There are a few threads on Global, who runs what, and where the 1200 will be going… this position on [U]Rigzone[/U] is listed as Alliance Marine Services. and a Venuatu flag… headed for GOM +[/B]
Alliance Marine has the crewing contract for the 1200 and I believe the 1201. Other than that everything is ran by Global.
Does anyone know what they are paying DPO’s on the Global 1200?
I know two guys who went on the Global 1200. Both are experienced mariners. They were there one week and resigned. Did not get any details yet, but one told me they he was promised some things and they (Alliance/Global) never delivered.
I believe the 3rd mates get $700, 2nd mates get $800, I don’t know about Chief Mates and Captains get $1,125.
That’s what I heard from the guys that work for them.
Watch out for Alliance Marine Services! I’ve been stung, hard, by them twice. They call you and say “are you all set to go tomorrow?” and that they will send you airflight reservations that afternoon. I took vacation and set aside two lucrative sailing trips, to find out if it was for me, with a few hours notice, to get someone to fill-in for me, so I could show up the next day. Now I’m stuck on vacation and all I am getting from Alliance is the runaround about how the office in Aberdeen(who doesn’t own the 1200 anymore) needs to do some more checks. Then it was that there was “a delay with the crewboats in Furchon”, when anyone who looks up the AIS location on the web can clearly see that the ship is actually sitting in Pensacola. I think they have some real HR issues; like promising all kinds of training, but then saying they want you to have the training before you show up. And what’s up with needing a passport, to work on a ship in US waters. Granted the ship was just bought about 3 weeks ago by a French company and they are flagged foreign(Vanuatu). I guess the question is; how soon will they be hiring all philipinos to fill the positions they are supposedly offering to US Mariners…
The other thing I noticed is they have re-advertised for crewmember twice in just the 3 weeks since I spoke to them. Can’t be having a good time holding on to people(i.e… American mariners) or paying what they claim, if they are going through sailors that fast! It all sounds shady to me. Have they even left Pensacola yet with a full crew?
[QUOTE=rollingstone;58006]The other thing I noticed is they have re-advertised for crewmember twice in just the 3 weeks since I spoke to them. Can’t be having a good time holding on to people(i.e… American mariners) or paying what they claim, if they are going through sailors that fast! It all sounds shady to me. Have they even left Pensacola yet with a full crew?[/QUOTE]
A word for the wise…Alliance is a very two bit player in Houston trying to get GoM vessel manning contracts. They have zero experience with dealing with US mariners or with real vessels (their background is operating very old FPSO’s in Africa) so I am very sceptical as to their abilities to pull this one off. What shocks the hell out of me is that Crowley Maritime who has lots of experience providing US mariners to vessels boffed this one. They have the management contract with Global Industries so why not just take over the manning as well? I can only imagine that Crowley is such a mega beauocracy that they are unable to move when an opportunity presents itself. Too bad as I would like to see Crowley get into the GoM.
Here it is, two weeks later, and they are already re-advertising for a full crew. Does anybody stay on the Global 1200 more than a week and a half? There’s gotta be something seriously wrong with how Alliance runs things, for Mariners, in this economy, to be walking off a ship that quickly! I’m glad I’m not a contractor, with work in the Gulf to be done, waiting for that ship to clear the breakwater at Pensacola!
I know a three guys from the 1200 and they like i
Yeah. Did they just join the ship last week and do they expect to be there next week, Mr. PR(or should I say HR)? I hope they’re not looking to get sea-time out of it, as the ship seems to be just sitting in Pensacola. Also, maybe you could get in on their extensive training classes e.g. English 101!
[QUOTE=rollingstone;58847]Yeah. Did they just join the ship last week and do they expect to be there next week, Mr. PR(or should I say HR)? I hope they’re not looking to get sea-time out of it, as the ship seems to be just sitting in Pensacola. Also, maybe you could get in on their extensive training classes e.g. English 101![/QUOTE]Hey stoner. thirteen posts on this forum and you flame a regular. Why don;t you just go back to saying, “would you like fries with that, sir?” Learn a little politeness, junior.
Sounds like you didn’t get a job with them or got run off!!! Lots of hate, is not good for your hart!!!
The guys I know have been with Global (Alliance) for a few months and they do like it!! I am not saying they are good or not I don’t work for them so I can only judged them by what they say.
[QUOTE=seadog6608;58868]Hey stoner. thirteen posts on this forum and you flame a regular. Why don;t you just go back to saying, “would you like fries with that, sir?” Learn a little politeness, junior.[/QUOTE]
279 posts? You must be spending more time on the web and playing Miss Manners, than piloting ships, like I have for the last 35 years. I’m offering honest advise, based on experience, in the hope that U.S. Mariners don’t get the shaft by these folks.
Why don’t you go bite my ass, junior. I’ve been a mariner, a hawsepiper from O/S to 2/M since 1980. You are a noob on this forum. BTW, I actually have pilotage for over 1500 miles of US waterways. Bite me and Merry Christmas. Get lost punk.
They called, we talked. a week later (Dec 9th), I received an email offer (3rd DPO) if I could join the 1200 by Dec 11th. I didn’t jump because Alliance had not answered several of my questions. Haven’t heard from
them since. They seem to be chasing their tail a little bit.